Chapter 7

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^^ Zero

Chapter 7:

Four Years Ago...

Scarlett's POV:

I have been on my own now for a little over a year and it has been amazing. I found an abandoned log cabin in God knows where. I haven't been keeping track of where I venture too. The cabin was small with one room and broken appliances and plumbing. So that credit card I took?

It's really easy to move heavy objects when you are a werewolf.

So I bought a lot of new things for the small cabin and it became my own. I laid low for a while only occasionally leaving for necessities.

The day I met Thalia was strange. I had gone down to the lake for a quick swim when she came running out. At the time she was seven so she ran out helplessly crying for her mommy.

I calmed her down and she told me how her mom had pushed her to run and play 'tag', 'tag' at that time meant; 'you better fucking run because we are going to die'.

Needless to say I took Thalia in and she has been with me ever since. She's made it so that I don't go insane living all by myself in the woods.

As time went on Thalia grew older and I had to teach her some stuff because she didn't go to school. So with the credit card that wasn't yet cancelled-it's cancelled now don't worry- I bought her some workbooks and pencils to help her.

She was really smart and everyday she was learning something new.

I brushed her long brown hair everyday and sometimes braided it and placed flowers in the braid for her. She was a girly girl and as she got older it was harder to take care of her,

The card was cancelled so I couldn't buy her clothes or necessities so I had to revert to theft. It was hard and sometimes I got caught but my speed in human form was top notch from all the training I did.

So now bring us to the day where I met Zero here,

Thalia was outside picking flowers when she screamed. I dropped the plate I was putting away as she ran inside.

"A pack!" She whispered. I ushered her outside the door grabbing the same duffel bag I left with years ago. I grabbed clothes and met her outside. I heard the commotion of men speaking and looking around so I told her to run.

"Run and don't look back!" I said to her and she did. Her little legs couldn't hold up the running so we had to stop so that I could carry her. During that time I was tranquilized and brought here to this asshole who threw a bucket of water at me...

Present Day:

Scarlett's POV:

"There are you happy." I grumbled after telling him everything. He looked me up and down and frowned.

"So you are a rogue, you are a criminal, you are dirty-you need a bath-and you were rejected." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Gee thanks." I mumbled.

"Scarlett Montgomery." He said and I growled.

"That's not my name."

"Sorry, Sara." He joked and I sighed face palming myself.

"I'm not a Montgomery anymore."

"I see..." He said trailing off while looking me up and down. Thalia stayed behind me as he stared.

"I know of your pack." He said bluntly.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yep, Alpha Hamhuis and his Luna Kayla Montgomery- Well Kayla Hamhuis." He said.

"They're married!? Figures." I spat.

"You bet your ass they are married and they have a kid. I think he is three or something." I frowned looking away when he stepped towards me.

"Your friend...Becky?" He asked.

"What about her?" I asked.

"She's mated and had a child as well. A newborn." He said.

"Probably mated to Matthew." I said and he threw his head back and laughed.

"Try that asshole Philip."

"Philip!?" I asked and he nodded.

"Oh yea."

"How do you know so much about them?" I asked.

"I'm Zero fucking Hale, I know everything about everyone and I hate your pack." He spat and I flinched.

"You're Zero Hale?" I asked surprised and he nodded.

"I know everything about every werewolf in this world...except for my own mate." He said lifting up my chin with his index finger. Goosebumps rose on my skin and my chin tingled tremendously.

"Whoever did this to my girls' face is probably going to die." He said gazing at the slight indent of my cheek bone. The bone never healed properly for some reason and there was a slight indent because of it.

"You're going to kill someone?" I asked trying not to sound afraid.

"Probably not. But I will kick their ass until they cannot walk." He assured.

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