PART 2 Chapter 1

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^^ Thalia



"Happy birthday!" Someone yelled while crushing me into a hug from behind. I knew exactly who it was. I turned and looked at Thalia who smiled at me while holding something behind her back.

Thalia Hale.

The love of my life since grade six.

My mate.

Who only saw me as her best friend in the whole world.

She was innocent. She didn't understand the concepts of mating or socialization. She said what was ever on her mind no matter how embarrassing it may be.

She was abandoned by her family when her mom, Scarlett found her and raised her. She later married Zero Hale and Thalia took his last name and called them both mom and dad.

"Thanks, Lia." I smiled as she waited for my answer.

"You don't seem excited?" She said her brows furrowing together. Every birthday Thalia and I would have a sleepover with Ainsley. I got comments on how two of my main friends being girls but I hung out with the football team a lot as well.

"You don't want to do the sleepover? We don't have to." She assured and I placed my hands on her shoulders.

"No, it's fine Thalia." I assured feeling the mating symptoms course through me. Thalia had hers as well but hell, she didn't really know what they meant.

"Good...because presents!" She smiled while pulling out a blue wrapped box, with a bow on top.

"I told you, I didn't want presents." I said taking it.

"What kind of birthday is it with no presents?" She asked shocked. I opened the paper and tossed the wrappers into the bed of my truck and opened the box. Inside was a small black beaded bracelet with two blue beads that had black letters on them. One said TH and the other said JS.

"I have one too!" She said showing her wrist, instead the beads on hers were pink.

"That's not the only thing, the other gifts are tonight." She said.

"Thanks, Lia. I love it." I said as she hugged me tightly.

"Eighteen!" She giggled.

"Where's the birthday boy?" Another voice asked. I looked at Ainsley who grinned at me. Ainsley was your class A, blonde rich girl who lived in a huge house. She wasn't a part of a pack, her parents were so rich that they lived on their own with permission from the council.

"Happy birthday!" She smiled while hugging me tightly.

"Are you ready for your super slumber party?" She asked placing a hand on her hip. You wouldn't think that Thalia and Ainsley were friends. Ainsley was the captain of the cheer team, she wore skirts everyday and heels. Thalia on the other hand was on the football team, being a werewolf she could take a hit. She wore leggings or jeans everyday. They seemed completely different but they could talk for hours on end.

"I think Jax is getting too old for us." Thalia smirked.

"Bullshit! We are going to have fun. My house tonight. My parents are going out with my brothers." Ainsley said.

"Sounds good." I nodded.

"I have to go get my books, I'll see you in class Jax, see you soon Ans." Thalia said before walking away. Once Thalia was out of ear shot, Ainsley turned to me.

"What's up, superstar?" Ainsley asked while leaning against my truck.

"Nothing. Why?" I asked.

"Just the fact that you're eighteen. Your bestie gave you a bomb bracelet, and you are spending the night with me as well instead of having Thalia all to yourself." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's drop it, yea? It's my birthday." I said while guiding her into the school.

Rejection at its FinestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora