Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:


"I can't believe we are going to her football game." I chuckled to Zero as we walked to the field.

"I know, and then tomorrow she has a ballet recital."

"And then the day after she has a lacrosse game." The lights were on over the field as it was the evening and it was dark outside. Zero and I went into the stands and sat down. Thalia's team was black and red, I looked at the field and saw a child in black football pants, black and red jersey and red helmet, jumping up and down and waving at us.

"Mom! Dad!" She called excitedly and both Zero and I waved to her. Thalia was QB and we watched her on the back end. The ball came to her and we watched as she looked around before sending a throw to one of the boys running down the field. He made it pretty far before getting taken down and both Zero and I clapped.

"Was that a good play?" I asked sheepishly, not knowing really much about football. Zero laughed and put his arm around my shoulder.

"She made a very good throw." He assured. The game continued on and Thalia's team was winning and as the game went on, her ponytail came out of her pads.

"Tackle her down!" One of the parents yelled as Thalia grabbed the ball. She sprinted down the field and dodged around all the boys before trotting in the end zone. Zero clapped happily and I stood up throwing my arms into the air.

"That's my little girl! Way to go baby!" I screamed while looking over at the other teams' parents who gave me dirty looks.

After the game Thalia came over with only her long sleeve on and football pants left on. Her gear was in her bag and she smiled tiredly.

"Great game, sweetheart!" I smiled hugging her.

"Thanks, did you see my run?" She asked.

"We did, did you hear your mom screaming?" Zero laughed and she nodded.

"Yea. Coach said I'm starting next game too." She said as she put her bag in the trunk.

"That's amazing, Thalia." I said proudly.

"Great game Thalia! See you Sunday." Jaxon said waving to Thalia.

"Good game, Jax! See ya." She said waving back. I smiled and watched as she turned to push her bag into the trunk.

"Jaxon is on the lacrosse team, too?" I asked.

"Yea, he is on my line. He's a wide receiver here." She explained.

"Was that Jaxon?" Zero asked as we got into the car.

"That was. He told Thalia good game and said he would see her Sunday."

"He's on the lacrosse team too?" Luke asked surprised and I nodded.

"Do you not like Jax?" Thalia asked.

"No, no, of course we do. Jaxon is a very nice and cute young man." I assured her and she smiled.

"Good. He's my best friend." She said laying back in her seat. Once we got home, Thalia had a shower while Zero and I organized all of her equipment. I also got her ballet bag ready and placed it by the front door.

"What's up? Why do you have a huge smile on your face?" Zero asked.

"I'm just very happy. Thalia is doing great and she is happy, we are doing great and we are happy. I'm happy." I said sighing.

"I like hearing that. I'm glad you're happy baby. I love you." He said kissing my lips sweetly.

"I love you too, honey bunch." I laughed.

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