Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Scarlett's POV:

I was given a shower and I was given a fresh set of clothes too. I shoved on the leggings and white cashmere sweater. I looked around scratching my head and decided to go find Thalia.

Of course there has to be winding stairs everywhere so I ended up downstairs.

"There, much better." Someone said approvingly. I looked into Zero's approving eyes and shrugged uncomfortably.

"Number." I said straightening and clearing my throat. His eyes narrowed at me and I saw his Adam's apple move.

"What?" He asked.

"I said: Number." I said clicking my tongue.

"Alright then, Scar. Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Go? Go where?" I asked.

"Easy you are not going anywhere out of my sight." He said placing a hand on my shoulder. I wanted to inch my body closer to his but I kept my feet planted.

"We are going to see Alpha Hamhuis, he thinks we are buddies and he wants to meet my new; gorgeous mate." He growled sarcastically. He wrapped an arm around my waist protectively and hauled me to his body.

I gasped at the sudden contact and my hands reached up to touch his very muscular chest and his chest rumbled in approval. I quickly coiled myself out of his arms but he kept me in place.

"Scarlett?" A voice called.

"Thalia!" I smiled pushing myself out. She laughed slightly as I walked over and hugged her.

"You got all pampered, huh?" I asked holding out her arms. Her long brown hair was straight and she had on jeans and little brown boots with a petticoat.

"You look fantastic." I said and she picked at my sweater.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Where are your workout shirts?" She asked and I shrugged off the sweater revealing a plain white shirt. I wasn't a fancy dresser, I was plain I just wore white t-shirts or workout shirts all the time.

"Better?" I asked and she nodded.

"Now you look like Scarlett." She said and I smiled taking her hand.

"Scarlett, when are we going back home?" She asked softly. I sighed and rubbed her upper arms.

"Is it okay if we stay here for a little while?" I asked.

"I guess, it's really nice here but I don't think there are any flowers." She pouted.

"Actually..." Zero began stepping in.

"My mother had a garden before she died and it does need some tending too. She had lilies, roses and all other flowers. We need someone to water them." He said and her eyes lit up.

"Really? Scarlett we have to stay! Please!?" She begged.

"I guess? For a little while." I said shrugging.

"Great." She clapped. I stood back up and as Zero walked past me.

"Come on ladies." He called. Thalia and I followed him outside and I sighed happily looking at the forest. I looked to the BMW Zero leaned against with the door open.

"Get in, let's go pay Hamhuis a visit." He grinned. I slid into the leather seat as numerous other people got into their cars.

"I always bring the pack." He said pulling out of the driveway.

"Zero?" Thalia asked as we began to drive.

"Yes, Thalia?"

"Are you Scarlett's mate?" She asked innocently. My cheeks burned slightly as I felt his gaze on me.

"Yes, I am." He assured and my cheeks burned even more.

"That's good, she always reads these weird books about boys and girls." She said referring to my oh-so familiar novel collection.

"Thanks, Thalia." I muttered.

"She just needs a real man, Thalia." He grinned.

"How old are you Luke?" She asked.

"I'm twenty-six." He said.

"What school did you go to?" I asked cutting into the conversation.

"Jeffrey's." He said referring to St. Jeffrey's academy- the same school I went to.

"What? No you didn't." I denied and he laughed.

"I did, look in the year book. I was on the football team with Hamhuis." He said, Joey was always older than me.

"Of course you were." I mumbled.

"Exactly, I saw you a couple times, we used to watch the track meets. My beta had his mate on the track team. You used to have really long hair."

"I know." I said.

"Your hair looks nice shorter. It's sexy." He said. I blushed and rolled my eyes.

"You didn't see me get bullied everyday." I mumbled and I felt his gaze on me.

"That might have been a good thing, because I would have killed anyone who did it." He said.

"Whatever." I grumbled.

"Anyways, you were so quiet all you did was storm to track and storm home." He said rolling his eyes.

"Because I didn't want to hang out with people like you."

"People like me? I was smart, nice, and gorgeous. I still am." He said cockily.

"No, I just didn't want to make friends. I had one and that's enough."

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