Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Her skin was so soft, there was nothing softer in the world. Her head on my chest with her sandy blonde hair sprawled around her was amazing. I glided my fingers along the smooth skin of her back, all the way down until they disappeared under the sheet. The mark that rested on her shoulder was enough to have me going again.

I leaned down and kissed her head and she shifted her head.

"Luke, stop..." She whispered sleepily. I never understood why the mark took a lot of your energy out. It was an intense, intimate interaction and for some reason it took everything.

"Mom! Dad! The doorbell rang!" Thalia yelled while banging on the door. Scar shot up out of bed and I watched as she pulled on her lacy black underwear and bra. She pulled on a pair of shorts and a shirt while tying her hair up.

"Someone will answer the door." I assured and she smirked coming over and pressing her lips to mine.

"Just let me go get them set up in the basement and I will be back." She whispered before disappearing out the door.


I went downstairs and opened the door to see a young boy and a teenage boy standing in front of me.

"Jaxon!" Thalia smiled while grabbing his hand and pulling him in.

"Jaxon? I thought this was a girls' slumber party?" I asked confused as the teenage boy handed me a paper with phone numbers on it. I shut the door and turned to Thalia and her friend.

"This is my friend Jaxon." Thalia smiled at the young boy.

"And where is your girl friend?" I asked.

"Ansley. She should be here now!" Thalia said and as she did there was a knock on the door. I opened it and a small girl stood smiling and turning to wave at the car driving away.

"Hi Lia!" She smiled hugging her.

"Hey!" Thalia said.

"Hi Jaxon! This is going to be so much fun." Ainsley beamed.

"Alright, I set up everything in the basement. Netflix, snacks are in the cupboards and drinks are in the fridge. Pizza is on the way!" I said bringing them to the basement where they set up their sleeping gear.

"I will be upstairs with dad. Okay Thalia?" I asked and she nodded before turning back to her two friends. I smiled and made my way back upstairs to find Zero in the same position but looking at his phone.

I smiled and shut the door and locked it while taking off my shirt and shorts. I crawled on top of Zero and he put his phone down and I kissed him slowly before laying back down on his chest.

"Thalia invited a boy." I said while drawing small circles on his chest.

"A boy? What's his name?" He asked.


"Jackson?" He asked.

"No, Jaxon with an 'x'. I think she calls him Jax for short." I said.

"Does she like him? Does she have a boyfriend in grade six!?" He asked.

"No. I think he likes her, you should have seen the way he was looking at her. Maybe he was the one leaving the roses in her desk." I suggested.

"Wow. Already boys are coming to the house. Did you ask her about inviting a boy?"

"No. I didn't really have a chance. I wasn't going to ask her in front of the kid. I guess it is okay, she said they are friends and her other little friend Ainsley is down there."

"Ainsley? What if they play truth or dare and she is the one who dares Jaxon to kiss her!?" He asked shocked.

"They're eleven!" I said.

"You don't know kids these days! You see it yourself they skip the awkward looking stage and go straight to being gorgeous! Look at Thalia!" He said.

"Oh my God what if they are playing seven minutes in heaven!?" I screamed.

"We have to check!" He yelled getting up and shoving on shorts and a shirt as we both ran downstairs.

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