Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


"Zero." Joey said with his arms crossed.

"Joey, everything okay?" Zero smirked. Joey narrowed his eyes even more and then he glanced at me.

"Scarlett." He smirked and Zero tightened his hand around my waist.

I looked away and heard Joey laugh. Joey then invited Zero and his beta to discuss land and I stood in the entrance way with Thalia and a few other pack members.

"Scarlett." Someone said. I turned and Kayla stood with a baby on her hip. He had his head on her shoulder and his facial features screamed Kayla. My nephew.

"Kayla." I said and she smiled.

"Nice to see you and Zero again. Never thought he would settle down." She admitted and my eyes narrowed.

"What is that supposed to mean? You didn't hang out together." I said.

"Oh trust me, we did." She chuckled darkly.

"What are you talking about, Kayla?" I asked.

"You know Luke and I were close when I was in high school. Blowing him under the bleachers during football practice. Having sex in the locker room." She elaborated. My heart hammered in my chest. Although Zero and I weren't together at the time it still hurt knowing that my own sister was with my...mate.

I frowned at her and tensed. I let go of Thalia's hand and glanced at my nephew.

"You better put the baby away, Kayla." I threatened and she laughed.

"Think you can take me Scar?" She asked handing the baby to a maid.


"I want half of the land my sisters pack is expanding also. You're not getting all of it." I said to Joey.

"I never said I was Hale." He said rolling his eyes. I went to speak but was interrupted by a crashing sound.

"What the fuck?" Joey asked walking by me and opening the door. He looked out and pictures were knocked on the floor.

"What happened?" He asked stepping around pieces of glass. There was another crashing sound and we walked towards it. A large hole was in the back door and outside was a ball of two wolves fighting.

"Who is fighting?" Someone asked. A black ball of fur was snapping at a brown one.

"That's Kayla." Joey said.

"Which one?" I asked.

"The brown one." He answered.

"Who is the black fur?" I asked.

"That's Scarlett." A small voice said. I turned back and saw Thalia staring at the fight.

I sighed and watched as Scarlett knocked Kayla into a tree. Her mouth opened around her neck but Kayla knocked her hind legs out from under her. Scarlett got up and dodged a blow from Kayla and ran back at her. Her canines sunk into her leg and Kayla let out a yelp.

"Enough." Joey commanded. Kayla stopped but Scarlett still held her aggressive stance. She was an alpha, she wouldn't back down so easily. Kayla shifted back and held her bleeding leg and Scarlett shifted back as well, only to push Kayla to the ground.

"All you are is a slut! Even back in high school, I treated you like my little sister and you never did. Did you ever look in my closet for your birthday present I got for you? No? Good you don't deserve it!" Scarlett yelled.

"Scarlett. Enough." Joey said and I frowned at him.

"Oh fuck off Joey! You're a slut too, kissing me while you're mated to Kayla and making out with Kayla while you said we were mates. Don't tell me what to do!" She yelled. She turned to me and I held out my hand and she slapped it away.

"And you! Don't ever talk to me again! Go and get Kayla to blow you under the bleachers or to fuck you in the closet." She growled. Fuck.

"Come on Thalia." Scarlett said wiping under her eyes. She took Thalia's hand and made her way to the front door and slammed it behind her.

"Scarlett! Wait!" I called.

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