Chapter 24

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^^ Jaxon

Chapter 24

AN: I don't think I will make a sequel as a separate book but rather make the sequel into this book. So I will let you know when the second part of this story will continue :)


"Okay ladies and gentlemen, we are switching up our groups today so that everyone has a chance to get to know one another. Many of you don't branch out from your group of friends and switching things up is a good way to do that!" Our teacher clapped. I held my books in my arms while standing next to a few of my friends at the back of the class.

"Okay group one will be...Tara, Leo, Mia..." our teacher continued on with the list of names and one by one my few friends went to their assigned seats.

"-and Thalia." Our teacher said. I shook my head and looked up as she pointed to an empty spot at a table of four. I sat down next to a boy with light brown hair. I didn't talk to many of the boys in our class because my friends Ainsley and Mikayla said that some of the boys are gross. I asked if they needed to have a bath and they said yes but I don't think any of them smell.

"Okay children! Mingle, mingle while I get our Bill Nye video ready!" Our teacher said.

"Hi!" I smiled to the boy next to me.

"Oh!" He said jumping slightly in his seat and scratching the back of his neck.

"Sorry." I commented.

"No,'s my fault. Hi." He said. He talked like an older person. I think I saw him at football a few times...

"I'm Thalia."

"I know..." He laughed shyly and I waited for him to tell me his name.

"I'm Jaxon." He then said.

"Jackson?" I asked.

"No Jaxon. With an 'x'."

"Oh so do people call you  Jax?" I asked.

"Yea, y-you can call me Jax."

"Cool, my mom calls me Lia sometimes. But she usually just uses my full name to yell at me." I said.

He turned and stretched out his legs and I studied him carefully.

"You play football right?"

"Yea. You tackled me hard two weeks ago."

"Oh...well it is football. I'm sorry though."

"It's okay. How come you tuck your hair away into your pads?" He asked.

"Because boys pull it and it gets stuck sometimes."

"Oh. I like it." He said quietly and for some reason my face got warm.

"Why is my face warm?" I blurted.

"That means your blushing." Alex said across from me.

"Blushing? What's this blushing?" I asked.

"Blushing children, is when someone is embarrassed or ashamed but it can also mean when someone gave you an unexpected compliment that makes you happy." Our teacher said.

"You're blushing is because Jax said you have nice hair and that's because he lo-"

"Shut up, Alex." Jaxon said through gritted teeth.

"Don't grit your teeth so hard. They might break." I said placing my hand on his shoulder. Now Jaxon's face turned warm and I removed my hand.

"Are you embarrassed because I placed my hand on your shoulder? I'm sorry." I apologized.

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