Chapter 28

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The first part of this story is soon coming to an end. I want to make the first part thirty chapters and the second part thirty chapters.


"You sure you're cousins and not brothers?" I asked Zero as we stood in the reception hall of his cousin Kyle's wedding. I looked at the slightly shorter, brunette haired man that looked identical to Zero.

"I know. Him and Leon are actually brothers. It's so weird." He said shaking his head. I had on a simple turtleneck dress with long sleeves and heels while Zero wore a suit. He was one of Kyle's groomsmen, Thalia wore a little dress and she was over dancing with Leon's daughter.

"Oh my, are people having an orgy?" I asked looking over, the reception was outside under a tent and off to the side I could see numerous people making out and what not.

"Werewolf weddings, gotta love them." Zero sighed while following my gaze.

"Mom! Come dance." Thalia pleaded while running over and taking my hands. I smiled and followed her to the dance floor where we danced. After a while Thalia got tired, she ended up passing out on a lawn couch and Zero took off his suit jacket and draped it over her.

"Care to dance?" He asked taking my hands after he rolled up the sleeves to his dress shirt. I smiled and took his hand as we stepped out onto the floor.

"You have someone watching you in envy." He whispered to me. I turned and watched as Kayla huffed while looking out onto the dance floor while holding her son.

"You know what? She's my sister and I can't find any sympathy for her. She was so rude to me, she deserves it." I said angrily.

"So mean." He gasped teasingly and I shrugged while laying my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around his torso. He placed his chin on my head and held my upper back close to him and kissed my head.

After a while, Zero took my hand and brought me inside.

"Where are we going?"I asked. He just smiled back at me and we came to a wooden door and he knocked on it before opening it. Inside was a large dog who lifted his head and then came over to Zero. Zero pet him quickly and then I saw a figure in a wheelchair watching TV.

"Hey dad." Zero said and my eyes widened slightly and I came around the side to see the older looking man sitting in a chair. We're immortal but this man looked like he was aging hard.

His eyes fell on me and I smiled at him as he sat up and took my hand.

"It is very nice to meet you, young lady." He smiled

"It's nice to meet you too, sir. I'm Scarlett." I said.

"Zero has told me much about you over the phone. Your mother would have loved her." He said his eyes flashing back to Zero's. Zero only nodded and patted his dad's shoulder.

"How are you doing? You look good." Zero said.

"I am doing much better, Zero. Your aunt is doing an amazing job, it's quiet here." He said.

"If you ever feel like you need to come stay with us, you can." Zero assured him.

"Nonsense, a pack house is much too busy for me and I don't want to get in the way of you when you are trying to start your own family."

"Dad, you wouldn't be in the way."

"I know, but it's nice here. Like I said it's quiet and not busy."

"You need anything dad?"

"No, no, I am fine. Do come visit me soon though. It's late and I should be getting some sleep. I want to meet Thalia as well." He said.

"I will." Zero promised while bending down to hug him.

"You're doing good Zero, I'm proud of you." He said before holding out for me. I hugged him and he took my hand again.

"It was nice to meet you Scarlett. Do come over for some coffee soon." he said.

"I will and I will bring Thalia." I said and he smiled. We left his room and made our way back downstairs.

"I have asked him numerous times to come live with me but he likes it here." He said referring to his aunt's house.

"It's not a pack house, it's not busy." I said taking his hand in mine.

"I know, I just feel bad that I'm not with him, you know?"

"I know. He is happy here and the best you can do is just keep on visiting."

It was midnight and we decided to head on home. Zero easily lifted Thalia and she slumped tiredly against his shoulder.

"Thanks for coming again, man." Kyle said to him while patting his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. When you get back, swing by and we can go over some land negotiations." Zero assured and Kyle smiled brightly at him.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." He said. We said our goodbyes and then walked to Zero's car. He carefully placed Thalia back in and we got into the front.

"I can't wait until we get married." He grinned while not meeting my eyes.

"Wow, planning ahead Hale." I laughed.

"I can't wait until you have my last name."

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