Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


I woke up tangled in the bed sheets. I was laying on my stomach and the sun was on my legs. Zero was on his side and his muscular back was to my face. A large scar was straight down his spine, it was puffy and red.

There were also a few red scratch marks...oops.

I reached out and ran my finger tips over the bumpy scar and I immediately saw goose bumps appear on his skin. I smiled as he shifted and rolled over on his back.

He groaned and rubbed his eyes before opening them and looking over at me.

"Morning baby." He said in his morning voice. I smiled and moved closer to him and he put his arm around my shoulders. He reached his other hand over and ran his finger tips up and down my bare thigh.

"Good morning." I hummed while snuggling into his chest. I closed my eyes wanting to go back to sleep but there was a knock on the door. Zero sighed and removed his hand.

"What?" He called clearly annoyed. I remembered that he had slept naked and I had no underwear on. Only a shirt.

The door opened and I hid in his side and pushed my shirt down, the sheet over us was white.

"Alpha." It was Troy. He stepped in and made sure to keep his gaze only on Zero.

"Troy. What's wrong?" He asked.

"Alpha Kyle is on the phone and I dropped Thalia off at school and I picked up the forms that you got the principal to set aside. I placed them on your desk." He said. I reached over to look at the clock. Eleven? Why did Thalia not wake me up.

"Thanks Troy. I will be down in a second." Zero assured and he nodded and left the room and shut the door.

"Why didn't Thalia wake us up?" I asked sliding out from under the covers.

"I told Troy yesterday that if we are still sleeping to take Thalia to school." He said.

"You planned this?" I asked.

"Scar, be realistic. When was the last time you slept in without being interrupted?" He asked.

"I guess you're right." Come to think of it I haven't really had a good nights rest in years. I was always on edge while staying in the cabin because anything could happen out in the woods. But I didn't wake up once last night, I didn't even dream it was just pure sleep and it was great.

I shuffled through the clothes and grabbed a pair of jeans and a navy blue long sleeve. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of juice and then wandered into Zero's office. It was dark, with the panelled walls and dark hardwood flooring. A comfortable looking couch was against the wall along with some book shelves.

His desk was pushed towards the back and a large desktop computer was in front of him. Behind him was a map of the land with some marked areas of our owned pieces. Another picture was on the wall and it looked like Zero and his family when he was a lot younger.

Luke was looking at the computer screen intently. He had on a black tee and a pair of dark jeans. His hair was messy from running his hand through it numerous times.

"What are you looking at?" I asked while looking at the coloured forms on his desk.

"My cousin sent me an email, he is getting married and he wants to meet. He is only twenty and he has some questions about buying land." He explained.

"Kyle?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yea, that's him. He is a good guy. New alpha but I think he can do it."

"Aren't you a new alpha as well?" I asked.

"I was being trained since I was little. Once my parents got sick when I was thirteen, I was thrown into training and I took over once I hit eighteen." I noticed that I haven't seen his parents at all since I have been here. I know he mentioned to Thalia that his mother passed away.

"What happened to your parents? If you don't mind me asking..."

"My mother passed away when I was sixteen. That disease that werewolves get called Pearson's? She had that and it slowly deteriorated her body. She got weaker and to the point where she couldn't shift. Once she died my dad went down hill without his mate. He is under watch constantly but he is weak and he gets sick which doesn't happen to werewolves." He said.

"Where is he?" I asked confused.

"He is staying with his sister, Kyle's mother. I haven't seen him in a couple months because I have been busy but I called him a few weeks ago."

"I'm sorry, Zero." I said and he smiled.

"It's okay. My dad is happy, he was given a therapy dog and they are inseparable. And by living with his sister he is not left alone. Since my mom died he has been lonely."

"I would like to meet him one day." I smiled.

"You will meet him this weekend because I'm going to go visit Kyle. He is a nice guy, he will love you and Thalia." He assured. He pushed back his chair and gestured his lap and I sat down and placed my cup on his desk and grabbed the coloured papers.

"Those are forms for sports and activities at Thalia's school. I know she wants to do ballet but they recommend that werewolf students have activities everyday. Ballet is Monday and Friday." He said. I looked at a lacrosse sheet.

"Lacrosse is Tuesday Thursday and what is this...? Football?" I asked.

"I saw her throwing with Kane in the backyard. She is girly but she's got a good arm. They play tackle because although they haven't shifted, they can still take hits and heal fast." He explained.

"Did you ask her?" I asked.

"She picked them all out." He noted and my eyes widened.

"Wow, she had me fooled. Well if she wants to play I guess we have to hit the sports store." I said filling out the sheets with all her info.

"We can run out today or tomorrow. I have to grab some essentials. I'm running low on shampoo." He said.

"How come you didn't mark me last night?" I blurted. Shampoo to mating real quick, Scar.

"What?" He asked confused.

"How come you didn't mark me last night?" I repeated. I bit my lip awaiting his answer and a little nervous on what he would have to say.

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