Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Zero's POV:

"So...your new mate." Joey said as I stepped into his office. His kid sat on the floor on a blanket playing with small toys,

"What about her? Last time I checked you wanted to talk about land."

"She's not your mate, Luke."

"She's not yours." I said folding my arms.

"She is." He said.

"Then why are you married to Kayla? Why do you have a son with Kayla? If Scarlett was your mate you wouldn't have rejected her and caused her to leave her family." I said.

"She left on her own." He said and I scoffed.

"Joey, you think she didn't tell me?" I asked staring at him. He sighed and placed his hands on his desk.

"Kayla is ten times hotter." He said.

"On the contrary Scarlett is. She's not a practicing porn star."

"Did you just call Kayla a porn star?" He asked defensively.

"Joey from man to man, I slept with your girlfriend in high school. She was a slut, I don't know if she still is but I fucked her while you two were dating." He flashed towards me and slammed me through the door causing it to break through. I hit the wall outside and I winced in pain.

"Hey!" Someone yelled. I looked over and Scarlett's eyes were flaring with anger.

"Get off of him you dick!" She growled pushing Joey off. I just shrugged and smiled at him as he pulled back and looked at Scarlett. He looked at her and back at me.

He lunged at her and kissed my mate right in front of me. My jaw clenched and before I grabbed him Scarlett pushed him off of her and frowned.

"What the fuck, Joey!?" She yelled as Thalia stood a little away.

"What the hell?" I growled shoving him to the wall. I was so angry I couldn't see straight.

"We are not even close to being even." He said and I brought my hand up and punched him across the face connecting with his nose. He growled at me pushing me into the wall not far away and a brawl began in the hallway.

"Guys stop! Zero!" Scarlett yelled but I was too angry to stop. Joey's left hand caught me on the side of my eye and I winced in pain before football tackling him to the ground.

Finally someone pulled both of us off each other. I looked back at Troy who nodded at me.

"Alpha, we should leave." He said and I nodded.

"Watch your back Hamhuis, no one touches my mate and gets away with it." I threatened.

"So, why don't you tell her about Kayla?" He called.

"Kayla?" She mumbled as we walked towards the exit. I got into my car and I gripped the steering wheel angrily.

"Thalia cover your ears." I said. She covered her ears and I hit the steering wheel.

"Fucking dumb ass cocksucker. I'm going to kill him!" I growled feeling my canines descend. Thalia uncovered her ears and I looked at Scarlett who sighed.

"Mates for a day and you are already fighting for me." She said laughing slightly. I started the car and pulled out onto the road to begin the drive home.

"So what's the deal with Kayla?" She asked.

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