Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Scarlett's POV:

"Hi...honey bunch." I squeaked.

"Making friends?" He asked.

"That was Matthew that went to high school with us and his mate so calm the fuck down." I frowned.

"Ugh, you smell like him now." He said crinkling his nose up in disgust.

"She helped me pick out this." I said holding up the lace set sheepishly. His eyes looked at the piece admiringly and he bit his lip.

"Well then, since that is over with; Thalia agreed with me that dark colours look best on you." He said laying down a dark blue set and then a black one and a white one.

"White is not dark." I noted.

"I know but I like it." He grinned. Zero refused to allow me to try on the sets in the store because he assured me that he knew my size and he wanted a 'show' at home.

I wasn't too crazy about the 'show' but I wanted to try them on. I have never felt sexy before.

Once we got in Thalia went off to show some of the other kids her new stuff while Zero grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. He sat on the bed and laid the pieces out.

"Try the black one on first." He said pointing to the bathroom.

"Zero...Are you sure?" I asked nervously.

"Scar, it's just you and I. If you ever leave me I may cry and I don't think you want to see that." He said and I smiled.

"Also, I want to see you look sexy for me. Maybe I will have a dream about you tonight and moan your name in my sleep." He chuckled making me laugh.

I went into the bathroom and stripped down immediately throwing the old grandma stuff in the garbage. The bra buckled in the front which was weird. The panties were literally one scrap of lace, I think Thalia could tear it in half.

The bra pushed up the girls making them look bigger than what they originally were.

I slightly opened the door and peeked my head around as he waited.

"Well? Does it fit?" He asked curiously. I sighed and opened the door not meeting his eyes.

"Holy shit." He whispered. I met his gaze carefully as he looked at my body with hooded eyes.

"Try the blue one!" He said eagerly. He was like a little puppy. I laughed turning around and going back in.

I had a huge smile on my face for some reason as I took the material off. This one had little garters for stockings which I had picked up. I pulled them and looked at my butt in the mirror. The panties on this one were more of a boy short style.

I opened the door again and he placed a pillow over his lap.

"My God where have you been all my life." He groaned as I turned around.

"Why thank you." I said as he tossed me the white one. The maroon one was my favourite so I said I would try it on last.

I came out of the bathroom again and he had his hand gripping his chin tightly.

"God, you look great in everything baby." He said. I finally grabbed the maroon one and came out. I fluffed out my hair and he placed the pillow down.

"If I didn't have sympathy or patience for you...I honestly would have gone all the way right now." He said standing up. He took two long strides over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

My heart pounded in my chest as his tongue slipped eagerly into my mouth. He groaned lifting me with ease and with only one arm.

I ran my fingers through his hair and he pulled away to look back as he sat down on the bed. He turned back and pulled my bottom lip into his mouth hungrily.

I moaned breathlessly as I slightly moved my hips against his jean clad thigh.

The sensation was remarkable and I did it again and added slightly more pressure. More moans and whimpers escaped my lips as he kissed my jaw line. I continued to move my hips and then I stopped.

I'm getting off by like fucking dry humping his thigh...My God this house has changed me.

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