Part 2 Chapter 4

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"Thank the lord for the hot weather." Tyson said while looking at Ainsley and Thalia next to us. We were experiencing a heat wave and Thalia had on short jean shorts and Ainsley had a small skirt on.

"Are those even school appropriate?" He asked bending down slightly. I smacked the back of his head and he stood up holding it.

"What the hell man?" He asked.

"Have a little bit of respect, please?" I asked and he shook his head.

"The two hottest girls in school are your best friends. How did you get so lucky?" He asked.

"Thalia joined my school in grade six and we have been friends ever since and same with Ainsley." I said.

"How you have not done at least one of them yet, is beyond me." He said shaking his head.

"Because once again. I have respect for the female race, they are not objects of sexual pleasure." I said knowing it will piss him off.

"You make me sound so bad." He said.

"That's because you are."

"Hey Jason!" Thalia said. I carefully glanced at her as she went over to him.

"Hey baby." He said looking her up and down.

"Oh...don't call me that, please." She said nicely.

"Why are you telling people we are dating? I'm sorry but I said I didn't want to go out with you." She said and his friends looked at him shocked and he laughed and shook his head.

"Thalia, you were a riot baby. Don't do this to me." He said grabbing the belt loop of her jeans and pulling her hips close to him.

"Don't do that." She said uncomfortably.

"Clint, hands off." I said angrily while slamming my locker shut. He let go of her and he stood up looking over at me.

"You talking, Blackthorn? Mad because I'm talking about your female QB?" He asked with a cocky smirk and I shook my head.

"I am talking, Jason. I'm talking because you're making her uncomfortable and you're spreading lies. She clearly wants nothing to do with you." I said and Thalia looked between both of us.

"You mad because I'm close to your girl?"

"No, I'm mad because you're making my best friend uncomfortable. Now get your hands off of her you fucking uncultured swine." I said getting angry. It was quiet and Jason stepped forward.

"What the fuck did you say, Blackthorn?" He asked.

"Leave him alone Jason." Thalia said stepping forward and I shook my head while handing Tyson my books.

"No there is a certain way you should treat not only women but everyone." I said. He laughed before he swung at me and hit me right in the side of my face. I turned my head and held my paining jaw.

I football tackled him to the ground and people began screaming and cheering behind us.

"Yea, take his shirt off Jaxon! Yours too!" I heard Ainsley yell as I kept swinging at Jason.

"Jax, be careful." I heard Thalia say softly. I could hear her voice in a crowd of people.

"Clint! Blackthorn!" Our football coach said while grabbing us by the collars and pulling us a part. The basketball coach came and grabbed a hold of Clint.

"What's going on, Clint?" He asked him and coach looked at me.

"He was making Thalia uncomfortable. Grabbing the belt loop of her shorts and stuff." I said feeling heated. Coach shook his head and then looked at Thalia.

"You okay, Hale?" He asked her.

"I'm fine, coach. Thank you, Jaxon." She said looking me in the eyes. I simply nodded as coach walked us to the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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