Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Zero's POV:

I had to stop myself from giving Scarlett a; "what the fuck?" Face after she said that to her parents. They both stood shocked and she just smiled.

"Yea, so I just go by Scarlett." She smiled.

"Scarlett? Y-your hair? W-why did you leave?" Her mother asked and she shrugged.

"I needed a change and I think it looks better and as for leaving, you guys didn't really care for me anyways, right? It was a win, win situation." She smiled and now I gave her a "what the fuck?" Face.

"So, this is your mate? What happened to Joey?" She asked disbelieved and I frowned.

"Him? Ew. This is my...honey bunch." She said patting my abdomen. Did she just call me honey bunch? Her parents stared oddly and that's when I turned and just walked away.

"Oh yea, love you too, cake pop." I said rolling my eyes. I walked into the house and grabbed a beer from Joey's fridge.

"Her?" Someone asked. I turned looking at Kayla and frowned.

"What?" I asked.

"Her? She's not pretty. She has weird teeth." She said folding her arms.

"I think she's pretty hot. She's short, a virgin, nice and clean. I like my girls fun-size." I smirked taking a sip.

"This isn't like you, Zero." She said.

"Why? Because I fucked you once in high school? Get over yourself, Kayla. Christ, you're married to Joey and you have a kid with him." I said. She huffed and walked out and I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"For fuck sakes." I muttered walking back outside. I scanned the crowd to see Scarlett and Thalia over at the edge of the party. I smirked walking over as they talked to each other.

"Did you call Zero 'honey bunch'?" Thalia asked.

"Unfortunately." I laughed cutting in.

"There you are. I was going to bail if you left. I hate this place." She grumbled.

"I'm sorry, cake pop." I teased and she rolled her eyes.

"Alright, look I didn't know what to say. Leave me alone." She sighed running a hand through her hair.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked and she sent me a half smile.

"I'm alright. Thanks though." She said.

"So are you still the huge nerd?" I asked and she laughed slightly.

"Just because I enjoyed school does not mean I was a nerd."

"You were a total nerd. You were friends with the nerdiest girl Becky." I laughed and she pushed me slightly.

"I was a track star. I had long blond hair, I should have been a cheerleader."

"But you weren't." I countered and she sighed.

"Not even a day and you are already getting on my nerves, Hale. Maybe this is why we never spoke in high school."

"Or maybe because I was too old for you." I shrugged and she stared up at me as I towered over her.

"Just how tall are you?" She asked curiously.

"Six foot five to be exact." I said and her eyes went wide.

"Wow, you're taller than Joey." She breathed.

"Of course I am. I am the better alpha." I shrugged.

"And there is that cocky, arrogant attitude I remember." She said.

"You'd think I'd change this attitude? Girls love it, Scar."

"Girls? You better change your ways or I'm going back to our cabin." She threatened. I placed my hand on the tree next to her head and looked down at her.

"Do you honestly think I would let you leave me? Me? Or do you honestly think you have the willpower to leave me?" I asked raising my sunglasses. She stared into my eyes with fear and lust all across hers.

"Zero." Someone said. I leaned back angrily and turned to see Joey staring at me with his arms folded and Kayla at his side.

"Sorry for the interruption." He said sarcastically. I laughed jokingly and rolled my eyes. I grabbed Scarlett's hand and brought her in front of me and wrapped my arms tightly around her waist and rested my chin on her head. Anger flashed in his eyes and I just smiled as Scarlett tensed slightly.

"It's no problem. What's wrong?" I asked calmly.

"I wanted to discuss land and new packs." He said.

"I'll meet you in your office." I said and he nodded looking at Scarlett once before walking away.

"He still wants you." I said angrily.

"Well, I don't want him." She said disgusted. I smiled at her reaction and let her go but she stayed in front of me with her arms folded.

"You can go." I said.

"I like people staring at us angrily." She said mischievously grabbing my wrists and wrapping them around her waist.

"So, what? You want to have sex in the backyard?" I asked.

"Eww." Thalia said.

"Zero." Scar growled leaving my grasp.

"She's nine. You didn't tell her about sex and how werewolf puppies are born?" I asked.

"No, because she doesn't need to know about that stuff." She said covering her ears.

"Some teacher you are." I teased walking away.

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