No Violence Allowed

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^their common room


We entered the elevator and started going up.

Both men were eyeing me up. Both with different degrees of interest, but Mystery Man was suspicious also.

Dear god, please don't let him find out. I'll go to church if you want to, just... please.

I shifted nervously on my feet, hoisting the bags up in my hands to get a better grip as my palms were getting clammy with nervousness.

"So... I didn't catch your name." I started out, a little awkward, but not being able to endure the silence.

"Maybe because I didn't mention it" he said childishly, putting both hands in his pockets.

Ok. Be that way.

Pretty man it is then.

"Would you mind mentioning it then?" I try again politely, giving him one more chance.

He just looked ahead, not responding.

"If that's the case, I'll be calling you Mr. Luigi for the time being, taking into account your origins." I say as the doors open and I start walking towards their rooms.

"Mr. Leo, Mr Luigi, please follow me."

I hear muffled chuckling behind me and I am guessing that's Leo trying not to laugh.

Now, I know it's not the way I should be talking to a client and that the nickname is kinda stereotypical, but he just came in here threatening Jeremy, my favourite person in this whole world and acting like he owns the place.

And he took my princess coat.

That too.

After a couple of seconds, I hear Leo grunt and when I turn, I see him clutching his side, coughing and laughing at the same time.

"Is there a problem gentlemen?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, looking at Luigi-man in particular.

"No, nothing in particular. Continue." he said, gesturing at me with his hand to continue.

"Alright" I say, slowly walking again. "But let me mention the fact that we, at Ivory Feather, don't tolerate violence in our hotels." I add, walking with more confidence in my step. "Here we are"

I drop the bags by the wall, right outside room 1038, take out my master key card and open the door, letting them in first.

They reluctantly enter when they saw that I wasn't about to enter first. I then followed them, a small smile making an appearance on my lips. I must admit that they were, in fact, raised to be gentlemen.

They took a two bedroom suite with a separating living room in between, with separate bathrooms and walk-in closets.

I was in love with the view also, but I didn't have the time to admire it.

"I'll leave the bags by the beds. Would you please tell me which will go in which bedroom?" I ask, making them both look at me.

"I'll take the right one and he will take the left one. " Leo said, looking at Luigi-man for approval.

He just nodded uninterested and looked around, inspecting the space.

"Oh and the green one is mine, the brown one is his"

"Thank you. I'll be right back."

I put the bags away, opened the windows in each room to freshen the air and returned in the living room, where the two were patiently waiting for me.

"I hope the suite is to your liking. I will go now and let you get settled." I said, ready to leave, but Luigi-man's voice stopped me.

"You're not going anywhere."

"Pardon me?" I asked, a little confused.

"I need you to do something for me."

I had a bad feeling about this.

"I'll see what I can do. What is this about?" My voice was slightly unsure, but can you blame me? He could ask me to kill someone or something.

Not probable but possible.

"I want you to answer some questions first. Sit down"

"Sure..." I reply, taking a seat, all my mental alarms going off at the same time at his tone.

He noticed that it was the farthest chair available, but I don't think he cared enough to say something about it.

"How many people work at this hotel?"

"68" I say almost instantly, as Jeremy drilled hotel trivia into our heads because he thinks it's 'elementary' for us to know general information about the hotel we work in.

"How many would be still working after 8?"

I hesitated a bit and decided I must call Jeremy.

"If you don't mind, I would like to make a call to my supervisor to ask for permission to answer any more questions. Is that alright?" I ask, reaching for my phone.

I hesitated a little before taking it out.

What if he remembered the phone?


But... maybe...

No, he doesn't even remember my fucking face, I bet he doesn't remember my fucking phone.

"As you wish"

I dial Jeremy and after the third ring he answered.

"Are you ok?"

Not even hello? He must be worried.

I smiled a bit as I talked. "Good evening Mr. Hopwell."

"Mr. Hopwell? What the fuck Helen?" he said, with a laugh in his tone.

"I'm currently with a guest and I would like to ask for permission to answer his questions about the hotel." I say, glancing at an upset Luigi.

What is he mad about now?

"Is he who I think he is?" he asked, dread in his voice.

"Yes" I say succinctly, not giving anything away to the men in the room.

"What kind of questions exactly?" he asked wearily, sighing.

"Regarding the employees and their schedules."

"I will leave it up to you, I trust your judgement, but please try not to put my guests in danger."

I could imagine him rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration. It was a habit of his.

"Well, thank you for your trust Mr Hopwell." I laugh, hapiness bubbling inside of me at the trust he put in me.

I didn't think he would trust me so completely. His hotel might be on the line here.

"And stop with the 'Mr. Hopwell' thing. It makes me feel old. Now get back there and don't get raped." he giggled and ended the call

Oh, but thank you.

I didn't think about that.

Until now.

One more thing to worry about.


Chased By Suits  #Wattys2016- Book IWhere stories live. Discover now