Chapter 4

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You become clingy to only those person you care about. - Prfctrose. 

Only those friends who correct you on your mistake deserve to be with you forever. If you find them don't loose them. – Prfctrose.

One day Kavya had reached college and two lectures were already over. But still there was no sign of HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS MR. DHARAM HANSRAJ. She had tried his phone almost 10 times. But he had failed to even reply or send a text. Maybe she was overthinking. She was worried too much by now because when she had called at his home, Kamya had told her that he left the house half an hour ago and should have been reaching college any time. 1 hour had passed since that call. She called Kamya at 9 and it was 10 now. She was panicking, she was confused whether she should inform Kamya or not. Sikhar noticed her worrisome face and confronted her. She told her worries immediately. Sikhar advised her not to panic and keep calm. He told her that "Dharam might be stuck in traffic or may be surrounded with some of his female fans or maybe caught by a policeman for not wearing helmet! Ok, so calm down Tweety." Well that was the nick name used often by Sikhar. Kavya was not exactly convinced, but she knew that if by any chance Dharam was surrounded by his female fans then he is going to be dead & of course Kavya, herself would do the honours. Sikhar noticed the worry on her face and said "Don't worry. He'll be fine." Kavya replied "I hope so. Thanks Mr. Perfect."

"You're welcome Tweety, now let's get going so we won't be late. They were moving towards their next class when she noticed that Dharam was standing with some girls and with the smirk on his face she could tell that the girls were obviously flirting with him. She could see the girls drooling over him. He was looking damn good a white T-shirt with brown leather jacket and black jeans but wait what is she thinking, she is supposed to be angry on him. Sikhar saw Kavya gritting her teeth and knew that Dharam will have to pay for his deeds and THEN Kavya did the unexpected. She just walked up to where Dharam was she cleared her throat 3 times to get his attention but he didn't notice. She then pushed one girl hard which resulted in spilling the coffee she was holding on her dress. "You idiot! How dare you do this. This is my favourite dress. Do you even know what it costs???????"

Kavya: Oh, I bet it WAS because now you won't be able to wear it. And no I don't know the cost because I don't buy from cheap markets.

The girl: Is that jealousy speaking because your boyfriend is with us. Well I guess he upgraded his standards.

Dharam: Shut up....... She's not my gir.............

Before he could continue further he was cut in by Kavya: Well he's not that lucky. But I would make sure he wouldn't ever be with someone like you, after all he's my best friend although he doesn't act like one.

(Turning towards Dharam) "I had been worried sick about you, thinking that something happened to you since aunty told me that you will be in college within 10 mins and 1.5 hour has passed since that call and then I find you flirting with your little irritating fans. Are they so important that you couldn't care to answer my calls and so many? You know you better don't say anything. Just stay with them. C'mon Sikhar let's go. GOODBYE DHARAM HANSRAJ".

She left without even hearing Dharam. He knew that she was really angry but was all this drama really necessary. She was his best friend and he knew her very well, this wasn't her usual self. Something was wrong. He thought that may she was already in a bad mood and then he didn't pick up her calls. This all might have just added to her misery.

While walking towards class Sikhar asked Kavya if she was ok. She replied she was fine but she was beyond shocked with herself about the way she reacted. Dharam was always like this but what had happened to her today. Why did she over react? She was actually scared. Scared because she had a feeling that something bad is going to happen and that somehow relates to Dharam. After the college got over she texted Dharam "I am sorry for over reacting. It wasn't your fault at all. I am sorry for being a bad friend instead of best friend. Even if you had disconnected my call I would have known that you are ok. Actually I had a feeling that something bad................... Never mind doesn't matter much. I am sure you understand but its ok. Anyways I am really sorry. Bbye. Take care." And then switched off her cell.

But never had she thought in her worst nightmare that something like this would happen............


So what do you think is going to happen?

Would it happen to Dharam?

Stay tuned to find what happens.........

I know this chapter is kind of filler but it was necessary.


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