Chapter 27

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When you keep doing things that would impress,

But oh you forget, you are our damsel in distress;)


Kavya: Ummmmmm no I don't love him. But he is my best friend, my childhood friend, he is the one who had always been by my side Eli. Even while I was about to break into pieces emotionally, he was there. I cannot not be with him while he needs me.

Eli: But what say Kavya its different right now. You are far away from him in terms of distance and you have a lot to deal with right now. In my opinion, you have to take a mature decision on this one. Haste may just cause you to lose a lot and I believe you should evaluate the impact of your decision what say.

Kavya didn't say anything. But she knew Eli was right. If she would go to see him, she may have to repeat her semester and also lose the opportunity of working with Fashion NY. But she couldn't do anything to stop this inevitable debate of her brain and her heart

Brain: Kavya there is no way you should go. There is a lot at stake.

Heart: But he needs me

Brain: Who told you that. Besides, Robert is there too, he would be able to take good care.

Heart: But I need to see him

Brain: Yes that you can even while you are here. You can also keep a constant track on him so as to ensure he is improving

Heart: But I am not being able to not think about him. It's like I can feel his pain

Brain: Don't act like you love him now. He is your best friend, and just let it be that way.

Heart (feeling sad): Ohkay then. You win Mr Brain! I'll not go to see him. But dare you stop me from keeping a check on him all the while

Brain: Okay Heartie! We'll let it be that way.

Kavya was finally clear what she was going to do. After college that day, she went straight to the office of Fashion NY where she told her name and said that she needed to meet someone from the HR department, showing the letter that she had received, at the reception. She was escorted by this female with blonde  hair, and was taken to the other side of the office. The office was about 1000 Sq feet area and it was so beautifully designed. It had antiques from various countries and was coloured with almost all the cool colours possible. It also had amazing ethnic hangings and a few had bells hanging on them, which would ring in rhythm on wind blowing past them, on the 23rd floor office. The office also had very beautiful plants along the walls. She was already feeling very pleasant. They reached to the other side to a cabin which surprisingly had no door at all. The entrance had a board hanging over which read "So that you don't need to knock before approaching us  - Your Team HR" Kavya was gazing at it in astonishment, when the female who was escorting her told her, "If we are the brains, our HR Team is the heart of our organisation" Kavya smiled. She found it very impressive that the people there appeared so much amiable. She was told to have a seat either on the chair (which appeared like a hand, with a thumb up at the back), or on the bean bag having hand imprints of different colours. She chose to sit on the chair and waited for someone from the HR team to come.

A beautiful lady entered, with waist length long curly black hair, and snow white skin. She also had dimples that would make their appearance even on the slightest movement of her cheeks. She had worn a knee length dress, which was anything but formal. Infact, everyone in the organisation was wearing elegant casual clothes.

Melissa: Hi Kavya, I am Melissa. I am the head of the Human Resources Team and I take care of recruitment as a part of my profile, as well as a part of my passion. We are a 157 people team, and as you are aware, the core and the only service we offer is of designing clothes. We have no branches and we majorly work through the internet. We get a lot of orders for designing traditional outfits and having you with us may just be an added advantage since you may be able to bring a traditional Indian flavour to the designs. I am indeed very glad you have accepted our offer. We were in a need of an immediate joinee. You will be joining the bridal wear team to begin with, and may be shifted to another one incase you find it monotonous. I will always be available to you, for anything at all that you need. Do you need to know anything else pretty girl?

Kavya (who had been staring at her all this while, was distracted by her question): Ummmmm no I think this is just as enough. I am sure I will be having a great time working here.

Melissa: Oh you definitely will. Welcome to Fashion NY. 

Kavya: Thank you so much Melissa. 

Melissa: My pleasure indeed! You may take any table of your choice until someone from the bridal wear comes and explains you how do you start about. And yes, you can call me Mel

Kavya: Alright then Mel. Have a great day.

And Kavya left from the cabin. She started searching about the whole office. There were big rectangular tables cluttered all across the hall and they had about a few chairs around them. And then there were bean bags scattered everywhere for people who wanted to work in isolation. There was a rope ladder at one end which led up to another floor of the office, having quite a few tables there too. She walked towards the ladder and on the wall next to it, was written "Need a bit of exercise? Try climbing up to your work" She smiled, and took the ladder up. While she was climbing she realized that it had been quite sometime since she had had any sort of physical exercise and by the time she had reached the top, her arm had already been paining. She felt embarrassed a bit and quickly took a seat on the bean bag. She was looking around the office when she heard her name being called from somewhere. She stood up in a jerk and realized it was coming from the hall down the rope ladder. A lady in her mid 30s was calling her name out. She was wondering why on the very first day someone would be shouting her name in the office, when it occurred to her that she was supposed to be attended by someone of the bridal wear team. "Oh Shit!" she thought to herself on understanding that she had climbed up the rope without asking whether the person who she had to meet would be up there or not. She heard her name again and she immediately raised her hand, as if she was in school, introducing herself. The lady looked at her in a way a mother would look at her child when she would have been looking for her everywhere and would have ultimately found her on top of a slide in the nearby garden. Kavya was extremely embarrassed. Without a minute of thinking, she quickly started ascending the ladder. She fumbled a few times, out of haste in reaching down the ladder, but somehow managed to reach there. The lady was looking fiercely at her which made her feel all the more abashed. 

Kavya: I am extremely sorry madam. 

Ms June: No I am sorry little untutored girl! Coz you are FIRED!


I hope you have liked this chapter.

I have taken inspiration from the decor of Google's office to describe Fashion NY's office. I have always fascinated the former, so.

Also, i have come across this very interesting chapter in the prose of SYJC syllabus. It talks about writing the letter 'i' in small letters instead of caps. This might as well make us more humble and less boastful in life. 

I was just wanting to know your reviews on it so that i could implement it from the next chapter!

Happy reading mates:)

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