Chapter 5

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The world and humanity will go for a "ride"

All the goodness and righteousness will surely "hide"

If the perception of any religion is taken on darker "side" - Prfctrose

Kavya was too disturbed from this incidence. Sikhar offered to drop her back home but she denied saying that she wanted to be left alone for sometime. Sikhar, knew Kavya and could understand the situation well, and decided to leave her alone. Kavya decided to take the local train so that she could distract herself by involving in other things. And she knew for sure that local trains of Mumbai are the best distraction. She could chat with a random fellow passenger, overhear a cheezy conversation of her classmate she thought was hitting on their professor, witness some funny pointless fight of one 'too short to be noticed' commuter getting troubled and suppressed by taller commuters, buy a few hair accessories, which is, for every Mumbaikar girl, be it the daughter of the Ambanis or a middle class family, a must do while travelling in locals, or simply stand at the door and enjoy the soft breeze touching her vanilla soft cheeks and playing with her chocolate brown hair. Well yes, the more rich and sophisticated Kavya may seem, the even more simpler and commoner lifestyle she had always admired.

So she knew exactly what she wanted and immediately headed towards the railway station. She took a ticket and waited at the Vile Parle station for her train to arrive. 15 minutes had passed and there was no sign of a train. Finally a train arrived which could take her to her destination station, Bandra. She immediately boarded the train and decided to stand at the foot board and enjoy the weather and the soft breeze.

Kavya pulled out her headphones and switched on her cell phone. She realized there was a message from Dharam but decided to ignore it for now, to avoid any overreaction and tuned on to her favorite song "love story", by Tylor Swift, to avoid any further thoughts. She was enjoying the music and the breeze and didn't realise when the train passed Santacruz and Khar station. It was suddenly that the train took a sharp break that she realised that there was something happening. The train was between Khar and Bandra. She pulled out her headphones but she decided to stay in the train. About 20 minutes had passed now with no sign of any movement of the train. Noticing that her co passengers are looking worried and are probably trying to make calls, she too checked her cell phone, but just to realise that here was absolutely no network available. She sighed, thinking "yeh telecom companies ka roz ka natak hai. (this is a daily drama of our telecom companies) God alone knows what they charge us for".

Tired, a few passengers had started getting down the train to find out what was happening. She was cursing herself that she chose to take the train and now it might just take forever for her to reach home. Irritated, she too decided to get down and started walking.

She was now walking on the tracks towards Bandra, and murmuring a lot of frustration on local trains under her breath. She must have walked for about 10 minutes when she spots a man lying on the tracks unconscious. Her senses, too numb to realise something serious and disastrous had happened, made her think it was just casually that someone is sleeping on the tracks. She walked further and within another two minutes, she noticed another boy, say of about her age, lying on the heap of cement besides the tracks, without his one leg and blood flowing out from the injury. 'Is this some kind of a movie shooting going on around here?' She thinks. She looks around to make sure she complains to the responsible authority for this set up which might scare any commuter to a heart attack. But what she finds when she looks around is a few more people lying around in wounded situations, a leg near the small hut along the tracks and a face (well the face was too burnt to make out anything but the hair colour said they belonged to an old man) near the slope where the platform begins.

She was just wandering around, completely unaware and numb, with no response from her senses to make her understand what was probably going on. Walking further, she climbs on the Bandra platform, now to see about 20-25 more bodies, majorly of males, and a lot of body parts and fingers lying around as if it was no ones property, and longing to be owned.

It was now that her ears started to respond and she could hear a lot of sound around her, sound of screams, sound of pains, sound of people trying to connect on telephones, sound of small babies crying their heart out, sound of a policemen giving instructions. Amongst all this, there were two words she was hearing again and again. And the words were 'BOMB BLAST'.

Inspite of that, she was still just looking around, at a lot of ambulances that had suddenly turned up out of nowhere. Some people asking about 10 questions to policemen at once about something, some people checking the face of every human lying on the platform to find out something, some people begging to the doctors in ambulances for something, some people screaming and crying their souls out and shaking the person lying on the platform, to get nothing in response.

She could now sense that the blood in her body was getting activated, and was feeling shocked and panicked too. She gathered all the courage in her and tapped at the shoulder of one policeman who was shouting something on his walkie talkie. He turned to her, raising his eyebrow. He was sweating all over and she could tell he did not have a micro moment to give her an ear at this time. She still pushed her voice hard out of her mouth and uttered softly "what happened uncle!?" She was sure that he would not have been able to hear what she said, keeping in mind the uncontrollable noise from around her. Inspite of this, the policeman displayed courtesy and told her "beta, tumhi ghari za!! Bomb blast zala aahe!! BOMB BLAST!!!!! Papa k paas chale jaao beta...yaha mat ruko!!! (Go home child. A Bomb Blast has taken place. Go to your father! Don't stay here)"

It was now that all her senses started to function simultaneously, which were earlier numbed seeing the worst human deed. She was taken aback, shaken completely, now that it dawned to her what she exactly was into. She was staring at one small child about three years old who was crying his heart out looking at the man next to him and then looking around so that someone could answer his speech-impaired questions: 'why his father wasn't responding. What was the loud noise that he heard after which he could see the fire igniting and his father being unresponsive? Why his father's eyes were popped out and why there was blood everywhere? Why other's were crying?' . She stared at him, with tears flowing constantly from her eyes. Her vision was getting blur but that child was not for a moment out of her sight. She wanted to take the child in her arms, wanted to take him home to his mom. But was too frozen to move. The sight of blood over the child's hands and clothes was beyond shock for her.

It was then when someone broke into her and she was pushed by him, and her gaze moved away from the child. Her mind was clouded, she did not know what her first reaction should be. Seeing others calling their family she decided to call her mother. She knew that they would be worried sick about her. Her hands were shaking heavily but she managed to check her pocket and pulled out her phone.


Killing innocent humans for the sake of religion is utter selfishness. No religion teaches this.

Well, back to the story............... She is shook by the incident. Anyone would be taken aback if one has to witness such scene. She will need a lot of help to forget this.

Well, next chapter will show who helps her. Stay tuned.

Once again I would like to remind to all my readers that @lectiophile is contributing for this book. Her contribution is perhaps more than mine.


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