Chapter 7

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I closed my eyes and saw you smile and THAT was the moment I fell in love with you. - Anonymous

I cannot believe this is happening again. The station that should be filled with smiling people, lot of noise is now flooded with blood and filled with sound of loud heart screeching wails. My heart is beating louder than any drum. I really cannot take this anymore.

"Dharam! Dharam! Can you hear me? Dharam! Dharam!"

OH GOD! It's more than an hour and I still cannot find him. I hope he's fine.

Mad is a small word to describe the way she was looking for Dharam. She normally was a very optimistic person but the circumstances provoked her to be pessimistic. A hurricane of thoughts was running in her mind she could not stop the thoughts. She trembled at the thought of him being hurt. To stop the flood of thoughts she moved like a wave in the station to find him- her only childhood best friend, who managed to be with her at every stage of her life. She prayed to every God, to anyone who was there up. Prayed for Dharam's safety. She was looking everywhere it was then something flashed on her face. She looked in the direction of the light it was sunlight reflecting from a watch. The watch she saw was a limited fast track edition with a square dial, two leather belts brown and yellow with no numbers only a metal strip showing 12. Kavya remembers the watch vividly. She knew how excited Dharam was when he got this watch, since it was a limited edition. She ran towards the watch. She could spot that the watch was on a hand it wasn't lying on the floor, but she wasn't able to see the face because a huge pillar was lying on the person's body. All she could do while rushing towards the person was to wish that it wasn't him, it wasn't her best friend. She reached the person with the watch. She wasn't ready to see his face. She slowly shifted the pillar, it was heavy, well too heavy for her but she was determined to shift it. She finally managed to move the shift a little. What she saw was something she never wanted to see in her entire lifetime, not even in her worst nightmare. She immediately checked the pulse, next she went for heart beat but no respond. She went numb. She did not know what to do. She felt her world was collapsing. She felt she was disintegrating, literally she could feel her insides shaking. What would she tell Kamya? Made her cry even more. All she could do was chanting sorry rapidly. She felt that if she would have somehow convinced him to go by cab this wouldn't have happened. She was shouting- "Dharam.... Dharam........ wake up! Please wake up! Don't play this prank please! I beg of you! Please! But he didn't even flinch. She started crying incessantly. She started wailing shouting his name. She felt someone was shaking her............

Devyani was worried Kamya wasn't listening to her she was only shouting Dharam's name. Kamya wouldn't open her eyes only cry and cry. Devyani called Dharam who fortunately was sleeping in the next room. After the talk that Kavya and Dharam had it was almost midnight so Devyani asked Dharam to sleep at her home only. Dharam saw the worried look on Devyani's face and he knew something was wrong, he rushed to Kavya's room. He saw her crying, shouting his name clenching her fists and saying sorry. He understood that she had a nightmare but he couldn't make out what it could be. He rushed to her side and held her hands and called her name several times and told her "Kavya look I am fine. I am with you. Kavya open your eyes." It was those words of Dharam which brought her out of the nightmare. At first when she saw Dharam she thought she was having a dream but when she saw Devyani with a tear stained face and her surroundings she realised she was having a nightmare. Only she knows how thankful she felt that all of it was a nightmare. She didn't even want to imagine what would happen if it all was a reality.

Gradually Kavya calmed down. She didn't share her nightmare with anyone because it pained her even to think about it again.

Dharam on other hand was angry. Angry because he couldn't bear Kavya crying like this. He didn't know why she was crying all he knew was that she was in this state because of the blast. Had it been in his hands then he would have just killed those persons responsible for the blast.

It had been two weeks since the incident but still whenever Kavya would see a baby it made here cry. It reminded her of the tragic incident. Kavya was one of those lucky person who always was supported by friends and family. Having people that support you is a good fortune. All her friends including Sikhar and Dharam were extremely supportive of her.

The entire incident of the blast and the nightmare changed Kavya and Dharam. They changed more than they care to admit. Like Dharam would always text Kavya informing his whereabouts, which never had happened in the past. He would sent her a text frequently that says "I am just a phone call away. Always there by your side. Take good care." Kavya on the other hand would get worried if he didn't pick up the call at once. She would make breakfast for him and take it to the college because she knew that Dharam was a lazy bug and he couldn't manage breakfast before getting to college. She had become extra caring towards him, well the same had happened with him.

Now Kavya always wished to spend more time with him. If by any luck she would get sometime free and she would always want to see Dharam or talk to him. She wished to tell him every minute details that happens with her. Having him by her side made her feel full of life. She loved the time spent with him and the time he's not with him she would replay the conversations in her mind and grin like an idiot.

Dharam loved the breakfast made by her. In fact even if Dharam was early enough to manage breakfast at home he would skip it to have breakfast made by her. He loved her company. If they would be together they could chatter endlessly but if he was not with Kavya he would make a mental note of what he has to tell Kavya. He used to wait for her good night text as if Kavya didn't text him good night he wouldn't get a good sleep. And after receiving her good night text he would go to sleep with a stupid grin on his face.

At first Kavya didn't really pay much attention to the signs. But slowly and gradually her feelings started taking a faster pace. She started blushing when Dharam complimented her. She always would want to get noticed by him. She would glance at him secretly and smile. All of this madness started scaring Kavya. She thought she was falling in love. But she wasn't surer. She wanted to and needed to share this with someone. And for that she couldn't think of anyone else but her Mr. Perfect.

Yes! She would confront Sikhar about this.


Sometimes you have to chop down a lot of woods to build a house. It is unfortunate but it is the way it is. Well, something like this happened with Them. An unfortunate incident brought them close. They seem to have fallen for each other but well then this is just the beginning.

Thank you.


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