Chapter 32

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Who says you have to buy happiness? Spend time with the one you love and it will make you happier than ever!!

- prfctrose

Kavya woke up in the morning rubbing her eyes. And woooohhhooo!!! She felt shivers down her spine. It was such a cold weather. The fresh morning breeze caressing her vanilla soft cheeks and her long black hair. The soft rays of the morning sun greeting her to a beautiful new day. She finally opened her eyes wide. But wait a minute! What was she doing on a terrace? Where exactly on earth was she? And why was she not sleeping on her bed instead of such an open place. She was just about to get up when she realised her legs had got tangled in Dharams'. A wide smile curled up on her face when it dawned on her that she had spent the whole night curling up with her love. No wonder she was feeling so warm inspite of the chilly climate. Dharam was sleeping like how a child would. So innocent, so much selfless. It looked like he could bring peace to the whole world and could also fight his life for others, both at once. His hair were curled up on his forehead and he looked like the sleeping handsome who would need the touch of his princess to wake up. Kavya felt like she had not gazed Dharam for so long. It was an absolute opportunity for her, when she could just keep staring at her spectacular man, and she wouldn't even have to worry about being caught. She was looking at him endlessly. Just then Dharam started furrowing his eyebrows as if something was troubling him. Kavya got panicky because she didn't slightest want him to wake up, because that could mean an end of her gazing session. She quickly looked around and realised that it was the sun that was troubling him. She moved a little so as to block the sun to directly reach Dharam, and sighed in relief when he finally was back to his normal peaceful sleep.

She could gaze him for hours more, since it had really been ages that she had seen him properly, but just then she heard Sean screaming from somewhere. "Kavya!! Hey Kavya! Where are you??"

She almost skipped a beat. Although Dharam had told her that he was least afraid of anyone knowing about them now, she still wanted to make sure that they would be the ones who would tell their parents.

She quickly got up, crawled a little away from him and stood up, in a way that now Sean could see her from the ground to the terrace.

Kavya: Sean! Hey. Why have you been screaming my name all around here

Sean: Kavya where had you been? I had been searching you like everywhere in this crazy mazy palace. I was actually searching for you because Anchal had been asking for you (saying this he started climbing up the stairs to the terrace)

Kavya started panicking. Sean would come up and see Dharam. What would he think and how would he react! But what could she do now.

Sean reached the terrace and was about to say something when he saw Dharam sleeping on the floor there. He was just going to ask Kavya about it when she cuts him

Kavya: What were you talking about Anchal searching for me Sean! Oh she must be needing help with her dressing up. She had told me about it and I should better hurry up now. You know there is so much to do when you are getting married. Oh my god she must have been really needing my help. I better rush now.

Saying this she gushed out from Sean's sight in a fraction of second. Sean was completely dumbfounded. He was already astonished on seeing Dharam sleeping and then Kavya's strange behavior. But for now, neither did he find it appropriate to wake Dharam up, nor was Kavya anywhere near that he could get an answer to his curiosity. He decided to join the wedding function, leaving Dharam back sleeping.

Kavya went straight to Anchal and started helping her with dressing up. She was looking so pretty, exquisite in her own natural way. The overwhelming thought of having spent a night in Dharam's arms had already occupied Kavya and dressing up Anchal was just adding up to her excitement of wanting to be Dharam's dulhaniya as soon as possible. She kept blushing all the while and could barely pay attention to what Anchal was blabbering. 

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