Chapter 15

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Hi guys! I know it's been a long time. Sorry for the delay. But now the updates will be frequent. Thank you for sticking with the book. Have a good time reading. (unedited)

Any relationship will work only if adjustments from both side are made with utmost faith in the other- prfctrose

Words seem superfluous to describe what they felt. They stared into each other's eyes for a long time held in embrace after the kiss. It was a loud knock that brought both of them out of the trance. It was Kavya's mother.

Devyani: Kavya.......... are you there?

It startled both of them. Good thing that the door was latched.

They both jump away from each other and Kavya: (Clearing throat) yes mom. Wait a minute I am opening the door. She opens the door quickly while Dharam takes a book in his hand and pretends to be seriously reading.

If it had been anyone else other than Dharam Devyani would have been worried but Dharam and Kavya were together since time immemorial. Devyani: So studying ha?

Dharam: Yes, aunty vivas are approaching so....

Devyani: Oh! Is it? Then I shall not take much of your time. I just came to tell that Kavya I am going to a friend's house and will be back after two hours or so. So take care and study.

Kavya: Okay mom. You too take care.

With this Devyani left the room and she returned to her bed where Dharam was impatiently waiting for her to return. But to his utter disappointment Kavya took the books and sat on the study table as she was well aware about the plans of Dharam. And again they pretended to read because when one was looking in the book the other would simply stare as if it wasn't a face but a chocolate ice cream. All Dharam could think about was how to kiss her again and all Kavya did was replaying the kiss not just any kiss her first kiss with her first love. She unconsciously bit her lip and ran fingers over her lips.

Dharam: Stop!

Kavya was startled, she asked: What?

Dharam: Stop biting your lip unless you want me to kiss the hell out of you again, because this time I don't think I  will stop.

Kavya blushed deeply. She was surprised hearing Dharam speak like this. Indeed there is nothing sexy than a good boy who knows exactly when to be bad. But the sight of blushing was irresistibly beautiful. Dharam got up from the bed started walking towards the chair. Kavya immediately sprung from the chair and was saying

Kavya: Dharam no... no stay where you are. But Dharam did not stop instead he moved closer. And then Kavya in order of escaping from Dharam stepped on a pen which had fallen when she stood up from the chair and now she was falling Dharam held his hand out but he too stepped on the pen and they both landed on the ground with Kavya beneath Dharam. The situation was like a scene from movie, where the hero heroine accidently land in other's embrace. They were again lost in each other's eyes which held nothing but love. The moment was surreal. They both were lost in too the depths of each other's eyes with the distance between their lips reducing. But all the romance from the atmosphere vanished when Kavya's phone started ringing. They quickly stood and Kavya frantically started looking for her phone. It was Sikhar calling her, she picked up the phone after taking deep breaths trying to calm her heartbeats. Finally she managed

Kavya: Um.. hey.... Hi Sikhar.

Sikhar: Hi tweety wassup?

Kavya had still not recovered from the incident and to add to the awkwardness Dharam sat too close to her and was grinning mischievously the look on his face said now-where-will-you-go-baby because Kavya could not because of the call. She definitely did not want Sikhar to know what was happening. She however answered to Sikhar

Kavya: Um...... nothing just studying for the viva with Dharam?

Sikhar: Oh! Dharam ha. Now I get it why are you replying slowly.

Kavya blushed: Shut up Sikhar! It's nothing like that.

Sikhar: Ya, ya! Whatever helps you sleep at night dear. I just called you to inform that viva are starting from Wednesday and not Friday.

Kavya jumped: What are you serious? Today is Monday. Oh God!

Sikhar: Yes. So good luck with your studies take care bbye!

Kavya: Same to you. bbye

Dharam saw the tension on Kavya's face and wore a grim expression on his face. He gently asked Kavya what was the matter. Kavya told about the viva. Dharam knew that they had to sincerely start studying to pass with good marks.

Dharam: Ok! So stop worrying and let's get started.

He chose the bed and she hose the chair. An hour had already passed but neither of them could study much because most of the time they spent in staring each other or thinking about each other. It was Dharam who broke the silence

Dharam: Kavya stop distracting me I cannot study.

Kavya: Woah! Shouldn't that be my lines?

Dharam: We are never going to clear viva if we go at this speed.

Kavya nodded in agreement. After sometime she spoke. Kavya: Let's do one thing. You go to Anchal's house & I would go to Sikhar's house. We won't be together so problem solved.

Dharam: Okay............... But one small problem. Anchal knows that we always study together. What am I going to tell her?

Kavya: Tell Anchal the truth. I thought you already might have told her.

Dharam: I didn't because it was to be a secret remember?

Kavya: Yes, but since when did we start keeping secrets from our best friends. Even Sikhar knows.

Dharam was still not very happy about telling to Anchal or anyone in that case but he let it go. Dharam: Ok. And can't you go to someone else's house?

Kavya was utterly confused. Kavya: But why?

Dharam didn't won't to reveal Sikhar's love for Kavya. He thought it would be best if Sikhar told her.

Dharam: Because I am telling you?

Kavya: That's not a good reason. Tell me what's wrong.

Dharam: Nothing. Go.

Kavya: No, tell me what's the matter?

Dharam: Baby, I am not supposed to tell you that. Please understand. You go. I'll drop you. Call me when you want to be back. I will pick. Please?

He had moved closer to Kavya by now. They both had some questions and some arguments but they both decided to leave the topic for now. They hugged each other packed their bags and let for Sikhar's house.



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