Chapter 25

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The most difficult choice in life is to chose between the voice of your heart and your mind. -Prfctrose

Kavya was a little anxious on the way Sean was looking at her all the time while they were at the Restaurant. It was kind of of letting butterflies enter her stomach and create quite an hassle therein. While she was dancing with Eli, she could see Sean looking at her sheepishly and that was making her nervous. Once, just while Sean was out of sight from the bar area, she quickly uttered to Eli, "what do you think about Sean today?" Eli responded chirpily, "He just looks handsome as ever!! Why? Why would you ask that Kav?" 

Kavya knew that Eli had a huge crush on Sean and decided not to say anything, instead, she just shook her head and smiled. She thought may be she had seen Sean only in college as a classmate till now and this could be his colloquial side. She got lost in dancing again and didn't realize that Sean was approaching her. When she turned the other side where Eli was dancing earlier, she noticed that Sean had been standing behind the place where she had been dancing. Sean smiled at her, his hands folded against his chest. She smiled back at him,  feeling a little dubious about him just standing there and looking at her. She started thinking on how long must he have been standing there and whether he heard her asking Eli about him. She was cut off from her trail of thoughts by Sean offering a hand to her and saying, "Mind dancing with me pretty girl?" She wanted to decline but something in her told her that it wasn't a very big deal after all and may be she could just not think so much on it. "Ummmm. Sure" she said, with obvious hesitation in her voice. Just then, as if the person playing music had to add to her misery, he started playing the most romantic song popular then. Sean held his hand out to her and she lent her unsure hand gently into his and placed her other hand on his shoulder, while Sean placed his other hand on her waist. She was wanting to avoid his already intense gaze and started looking out for Eli, trying to appear uncomfortable. Surprisingly, Sean chuckled and shook his head, as if he could read her mind and found her too trivial to be thinking so much on such a petty matter. She decided not to react to it and keep searching for Eli hoping that Sean would stop taking pleasure out of her discomfort and let her go. But he didn't, instead, he started moving his hand on her waist in such a way that it was making her feel all the more restless. He then let his hand slip behind her back, so that he could drag her more close to him. Kavya now couldn't take this at all. She frowned and pushed Sean away, scowling at him, "Sean, what on earth do you think you are doing?" This time Sean wasn't amused at all, instead he appeared offended a lot and said, "What is wrong with you Kavya? Don't you like me too?" Now Kavya was completely shocked. Liked him? What would have made him think that she did? She never ever even thought she gave him any hints on the same! This was insane. How could he accuse her for something like this. She realized that Sean was looking at her with perplexity, as if he was angry but at the same time didn't want to upset her by saying anything rude. "Sean, when did I ever tell you that I did? I never even in my dreams mention that, and that is because I don't......." she wasn't sure how to spell out that she never liked him. He surely was the first friend she made in this new place and it wasn't a good idea to break his heart. 

Sean: Say it Kavya, you don't like me, do you?

Kavya: Sean, you have been a very good friend of mine I don't want to........

Sean: Just say it! You like me or you don't.

Kavya: I don't! 

She said it like the words just couldn't stay back in her mouth. Sean just looked down, shook his head, and left from there. Kavya didn't realize but tears had formed in her eyes. Not that she liked him, but she definitely didn't want to hurt him. He did mean a lot to her as a friend. She started walking out of the restaurant, as if there was no signal from her brain to her nerves to do so. She looked emotionless. Eli saw her move out of the restaurant but decided to let her go, she knew Kavya needed time alone. Kavya took a cab back to her apartment. As she was about to open her door, she found a letter popping out from her mail box. She took it, opened her door and set on her couch, exasperated. She then opened the letter which read:

'Dear Ms Kavya Sharma,

We would like to congratulate you on being selected for the position of a Lead Designer for "Fashion NY". 

We have gone trough your designs and have found them very impressive. As per our policy, we could hire only Post Graduates as our employees, but since we are in an urgent requirement of a designer, our company has decided to hire part time employees, who could be in the process of gaining their post graduate degree. We had a few designs sent from you from about 2 months back, and when we started looking for Part Timers, our first choice were you. You have a natural flare for designing and we would be glad to hire you.

If appointed, you would have to work 5 hours a day, and you could work from your home as well. We could pay you $750 per month to start with. 

Kindly let us know whether you would like to accept this offer or not, latest by 3 days. We are sorry for the short notice but we need someone to join asap!

Hoping for a positive response.

Team HR

Fashion NY"

Kavya couldn't believe her eyes. She re-read the letter thrice to confirm whether it was addressed to her and whether she was indeed selected to work with the most reputed Fashion Store in New York. There was no reason on existent that could stop her from saying a yes. They were ready to allow her to work from home, she would get paid more than twice of what she was currently earning, she would be a designer, something that she had always fascinated, and she would be working for Fashion NY! She couldn't contain her excitement and got up from the sofa and swung herself around, out of the feeling of independence, a feeling of pride, a feeling of contention! She wanted to let her parents know about it but decided that she would wake up early the next morning and give them the big news! She was happy beyond words to describe and slept hugging the letter to her chest. Her smile wouldn't fade off even while she was sleeping.

Next morning the first thing she did was took her phone to inform her parents but she realized that there were a few missed calls and a text message fro Dharam.

She quickly opened it: "Hi Kavya, this is Robert, Dharam's friend in AU. We had gone for a cliff dive last night when Dharam's leg slipped off and he fell hard on a Rock. He is hospitalized and has lost a lot of blood from his head. He had mentioned you yesterday so when I thought of informing his dear one, the first person who came to my mind was you. I wasn't sure whether I should inform his parents because it may get them sick worried. Luckily I knew Dharam's phone password and I tried calling you a few times, but you didn't take the call. He isn't being able to move at all yet, and they have kept him in the ICU for sometime."

Kavya couldn't read any further. Her phone dropped from her hand and tears started falling from her eyes.


So many times in life, both happiness and shocks come together, don't they?

And you cannot decide on whether to rejoice the happy moments or mourn the sad ones.

Kavya is in the same dilemma.

We hope Dharam gets well soon! :(

Happy Reading! 

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