Chapter 26

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With you, I am like the blooming rose showing its bright glittering redness,

Without you, I feel like a body floating on water, completely motionless.

- Prfctrose

Kavya decided to spare herself the trouble of having to chose whether to stay back and take the offer at Fashion NY or go to see Dharam, by giving a call to Robert and understanding first how critical the situation is with Dharam. 

Kavya: Hello? am I speaking with Robert?

Robert: Yes Kavya, I had been expecting your call. I am indeed very sorry to get you worried so much but believe me I had no choice.

Kavya: No Robert don't be sorry at all. I just needed to know how is Dharam now.

Robert: Oh that, like I had told you, a lot of blood has flown from his head and he's got stitches there. But I must say he was really lucky, we could find his blood group's blood very much on time and it had helped stop things from getting worse. The doctors have said that he may need bed rest for about 2-3 months and he should then be able to move around easier than right now. He has hurt his arm too, but that should get alright in the process. What he needs the most is rest.

Kavya: Oh that sounds like a relief. And yes, I'll inform his parents about this. You don't call them. I know how to handle it.

Robert: Thanks Kavya that was one thing really bothering me. I am glad you'll do that. Just tell them not to worry much, I'll take care of him here.

Kavya: Sure I will. Thanks again Robert. I am indeed grateful.

Robert: Oh no no that's okay. Bye then

Kavya: Bye, and oh! when will I be able to speak with him? 

Robert: Ummmm Kavya the doctors seem to have given him some pills so that he could rest. I believe by 10-12 hours, he should be able to speak atleast, unless the doctors suggest otherwise. 

Kavya: Oh that sounds fine. I'll call back then. Bye.

Robert: Bye.

Kavya bit her lip. Now that she knew that within a day, she would be able to talk with Dharam, she thought that the situation wasn't as much worse as she had imagined afterall. She decided to stay back, assuring herself that she would speak with Dharam regularly and keep a check on his health. Without wasting much time now, she searched for the number of Fashion NY in the phone directory and called them to say that she would love to accept their offer. She then called her parents to give them the news, however, wasn't as excited as she was earlier. Her parents were indeed overjoyed since more than anything else, they knew that their daughter would simply love this job as she always admired designing. She also told them that Dharam had a small accident in AU and would have to miss his college for a few days. They were at first concerned, but also were relieved that Kavya had chosen to stay for her new job rather than running to see him. It appeared that their daughter had grown up afterall. She also informed Dharam parents about it in the same way she informed her parents, but also added that Dharam wanted them not to go see him. He would be fine he knew, and that was actually the reason he didn't call them himself. They were hesitant at first but then got convinced with Kavya promising them that she would have herself asked them to go but this really wasn't that serious. 

She was glad she had handled it all well, but then Dharam's health was really getting her worried. She couldn't really wait so much till the next day to talk with him. 12 hours would like just not pass. She spent the day at college, hardly speaking with anyone. Sean was avoiding her completely, but getting his attention was the last this she bothered about at that time. She went to the bakery and told the owner about the offer at Fashion NY. "I would be glad if you would landing up a job you like", was what the owner had said. She was going to miss her a lot because she not only was her employer, but she also was a dear friend to her, and she was grateful that she took her leaving the bakery very positively. By about evening, she just couldn't wait to speak with him. She called his number, but it wasn't reachable. She called several times but she couldn't speak with him. She cursed herself for not taking down Robert's number when she spoke with him. Upset with herself and thinking of a thousand possibilities for Dharam's phone not being reachable, she didn't realise when she fell asleep, without eating anything.

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