Chapter 12

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On a scale of 10, you are 9.....and I am the 1 you need


Dharam couldn't have been any happier. Not only because she said yes for the date, but also because all his confusion about whether or not he loved Kavya, was no longer existent. He was absolutely not expecting himself to have confessed anything to Kavya, but he now knew that the moment he actually told her those words, he meant them more than anything else. Yes! He was completely madly in love with her.

So well, now the most important task was, to make Kavya realise how special she was to him, and how much the fact that she was now his, meant to him. All the girls he dated until date, he had always taken them to some cafe or some random high society restaurant. But with Kavya, it was different. He wanted to take her to some place that will make her feel like a princess, some place where she will know how invariably important she was to him, as his best friend, and as his girl friend! And Dharam exactly knew where it could be done.

Kavya, on the other hand was very excited about her first date. From where could Dharam plan to take her, to what would he wear, she was imagining her first date to the minutest possible details.

She was so excited that she already texted Shikhar "Hellow Mr Perfect! FYkindI, you are speaking with the girlfriend of Mr Dharam Hansraj and she is going out on a date tonight with him!!!!"

She was so excited that had already jumped on her bed 15 times by now, post ensuring that no one was watching, and had put on her favorite romantic songs and danced with her sweater taking it for Dharam.

She was so excited that she had sat on her bed, leg folded and her fists clinched on her chin and imagining herself dancing around with Dharam in a beautiful blue knee length dress.......But wait a minute, where did this beautiful blue dress come from! And oh wait a second, what was she going to wear tonight???

Brushing all the thoughts out of her mind, she quickly decided to now dress up for her 1st ever date. Yes, it was just about 3 in the noon, but she really didn't want to get late, keeping in mind that she was really unprepared for this event coming in any time in the near future, forget today. So she quickly opened her wardrobe and started searching for what to wear.

After trying about 13 dresses, she finally found the last one fit for the evening. She quickly went for a shower, put on her new dress and looked at herself in the mirror. Her waist length wet hair were carrying a pleasant aroma, while her shorter than knee length black dress was just adding to her beauty. She adored herself, for the way she was looking that day.

But wait, what was the time, it was just 05:20 pm and Dharam was going to pick her at about 07.00 pm. She couldn't believe her impatience, and just smileed at the thought of how much excited she was. She killed the rest of the time trying to watch TV and trying to listen to music, but ended up checking herself in the mirror every 7 minutes. The time was just not passing by and it seemed like forever for the clock to move till 07.00 pm. Moreover, the butterflies in her stomach were more active than ever, so as to ensure she doesn't get one minute of peace from impatience.

Finally, it was 07.00 pm, and exactly when the clock struck THE TIME, she heard her doorbell ring. She knew for sure that Dharam had been as impatient, or even more, for that matter, for their first DATE. she swiftly walks to the door, opens it, and there he is, Dharam, her handsome boyfriend, her love!!

Dharam: Hey Hey Hey!!! Someone's looking gorgeous and hot, both at the same time!

Kavya: Thank you Mr Hansraj. I had to pace up with your handsome looks after all.

And he comes closer to her, wraps his hand behind her waist and hugs her. She too throws her arms across him, to complete their embrace. The two looked amazing, awesome and adorable together.

Dharam lent her his arm, and she quickly grabbed it and they both walked out of her house, to his car and Dharam opened the door for Kavya. She gets herself seated on the side seat and sighs. Dharam takes the driving seat looks at Kavya before starting the car.

Dharam (taking a black strip of satin cloth in his hand): I am really sorry baby but I'll have to do this.

And in no time, Kavya was blindfolded. She tried to protest but didn't do it with any determination since she was completely loving the fact that it looked like Dharam had actually planned something big!

Dharam then started the car. The drive had been quite silent, except for Kavya asking him where he was taking her, once in every 3 minutes. Apart from that, Kavya was busy thinking what will happen next, while Dharam was enjoying this new, shy, anxious side of Kavya.

Finally in about 35-40 mins, Dharam stopped the car. Kavya didn't move at all, enjoying the way Dharam was executing his plans for their date. The only time Dharam had done something really special for her before that day, was on her birthday, and it had indeed amazed her a lot.

Dharam opened her side of the door and she felt him hold her hand softly and she helped him with moving herself out of the car. He held her hand with as much softness so as to make her feel delicate as well as with as much firmness so as to make her feel comfortable walking blindfolded.

And after walking about 20-30 steps, he finally stopped, and gently left her hand and moved away. Now this got Kavya panicked since she did not know where Dharam went and she absolutely didn't want to spoil his plan by opening the ribbon on her eyes. Luckily, in just about 2 seconds, she could feel Dharam behind her, and he placed his hand on her shoulder and came very close to her ears. He moved her hair away from her left shoulder and whispered very softly, "Get ready for something just as beautiful and amazing as you, baby girl!"

Kavya just couldn't control her excitement! He opened the ribbon from over her eyes and she opened her eyes.

What she saw in front of her got her completely stunned. It was like one small roadside dhaba, but Dharam had booked it completely for the night. And she could bet this dhaba would have never, since it's inception, been decorated in this manner. The narrow path that led to the dhaba's entrance was completely lit with diyas and the area surrounding this path was completely filled with Rose petals. Also, the roses had formed beautiful designs encircling the diyas and were looking all the more beautiful with the light of the diyas. She was totally mesmerized with the fragrance, and didn't know when she had started walking towards the entrance to find out how beautiful the inside of this place would be if the entrance itself was so amazing. She reached the wooden door, which said 'DND.....princess inside.'

Wooohoooo!! This was something not even a princess would have ever seen. And as if there was no instruction from her brain to her hands to do so, but still they would, on their own out of curiosity to explore the next scenes of sheer beauty, she pushed open the door. And what she saw inside was just impeccable. The place was like a small room, having a table for two alone, as a seating arrangement. The only light available in the room was of candles. The floor was completely filled with Rose petals and the room had 2 windows decorated with roses and orchids on the borders. There were two men, one with a guitar and one seated across a piano playing soft music, mainly old bolywood songs. They were standing near the other end of the room, opposite to the table arrangement, clearly indicating that the space in between was for them to dance. She could visualize Dharam and herself dancing gracefully in that area.......... but wait, where is Dharam!! She had completely forgotten him while she was deeply engrossed in the beauty of this place. She looked behind, and found Dharam just there. Smiling at her, and giving out an expression of contention that she was loving all his arrangements. She raised herself on her toes and pulled him to a very tight embrace. Dharam could make out, from the strength of the grip of her embrace that she could really not describe in words how happy all this made her. He reciprocates the hug, making the proximity between the both very high.


Sorry people I'll have to split this chapter into two.

Hope you all are enjoying!!

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Thank you!

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