Chapter 8

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You are confused about love, but then again you are jealous......... then rest assured you ARE in love -Perfect Rose

Sikhar's phone beeps. It's a message from Kavya.

"Need to meet you. Make it asap Mr Perfect"

Sikhar replies: "On my way Tweety. Be there in 10"

Kavya grins. She feels blessed she has such a friend. For a moment she forgets all that was bothering her and just leans on the bed gazing at the ceiling and smiling. She realises how supportive both Sikhar and Dharam have been all through till now, and knows it for sure that her life would be anything but so easy after what she had seen a few days back. But for now, that didn't bother her as much, she had quite much recovered, and all thanks to Shikhar and.....Dharam. Dharam....that best friend of hers whom she knew since like ever. Like since she probably didn't even know her ownself so well. That one boy with whom she had spent her entire childhood, the one she had fought with, argued with, shared her smallest fears with, that one friend she knew she could rely on more than anyone else, that one person who did everything, indeed everything possible just so that she could recover from that incident, he knew very well, had shaken her completely. That one boy she probably has started liking, the one she's probably in love.....

Sikhar: Hie princess, how have you been!!

Kavya (broken off from her thoughts): Hey Shikhar. I've been as great as you've wanted to see me. Thank you.

Sikhar: Great!! So what is it that you needed to talk on. (Jumping to the balcony and sitting on the swing hanging there)

Kavya followed him on the swing and sat next to him.

Kavya: Sikhar, I am unsure of this, and need you to help me analyse myself better.

Sikhar: Yes baby doll!! What is it. Tell me!

Kavya: Its like. Well I don't know for sure, but..... But I think

Sikhar: Oh my!! I think this is quite serious. I haven't seen you this nervous for quite sometime now.

Kavya immediately realises that her hand is shaking and she has almost begun to shiver. Shikhar places his hand on hers and comforts her.

Kavya stands up from the swing and faces out from the balcony. She is blushing and shivering at the same time. Never in her life had she thought she"ll probably be in love with the idiot she kept fighting all her life for stupid reasons.

Shikhar follows her and turns her holding her shoulders, in a way that she is now facing him. He is surprised totally, never had he seen her so pink and avoiding her gaze from him. He knew she was feeling uncontrollably shy.

Sikhar: Gorgeousness!! I don't know why but I am certain this is going to be very very cheezy!! Ummm.....well let's do this. Close your eyes Tweety, and say whatever comes to your mind. Forget that I am here, right next to you. Just say whatever it is!!

Kavya just did as shikhar suggested, because she for sure knew that it would be impossible for her to confess her uncertain, though pleasantly enthralling confusion.

She closes her eyes, and its him. Dharam, right in front of her, gazing at her eyes, with that sparkle in his eyes that made her feel she would want the moment to freeze. She just wanted to look in his eyes, thank him for being in her life, thank him for his very existence that made her feel complete!! She wanted to tell him what he meant to her and how much she wanted him to know about it. She blushed at how he ws staring at her. She simply moved forward pulling Dharam in a hug and said

Roses may be red
And may violets be blue
I've got pink with your gaze
And that's coz I LOVE YOU"

Sikhar: wh.....what.....

Kavya (placing her finger on Sikhar's lips): shhhhhhhhuuuuushh Dharam!!! Let me tell you whatever I've been.... Ummmmmm!! I don't know how all of this happened. But I've known for sure now, that I have totally completely and undoubtedly, fallen for you. I do not know what you might think of me or probably you wouldn't even reciprocate my feelings. But I'd like to tell you that my love is unconditional. All I want is for you to stay happy. And I'll do whatever it takes to ensure that!! I love you ... I am sure I do.

She hugs Sikhar again, unaware that she's taken him for being Dharam.

She is suddenly broken off by a loud thud. She opens her eyes and pulls off from the embrace to see Sikhar in a confused state and looking at something behind her.

She looks behind and finds Dharam fuming at them, all red with anger.

Dharam: What the hell do you think the two of you are doing!!

Sikhar: Oh Dharam! How come you are here right now?

Dharam: oh yesss yesss....I absolutely shouldn't have been here right?? Especially when the two of you are having your romantic time here!! I am shocked Kavya! How can you even be doing this??? You love this Sikhar!! Don't you realise he is just a friend to you. I just can't believe this. Sikhar of all people!!!

Sikhar: Hey just a minute!! Who do you think you are you idiot!! What did you mean to say when you just said "Sikhar of all people!!"

Sikhar pushes Dharam with a punch in his shoulder and they both end up in a fight. Dharam punches Sikhar in his stomach and Sikhar hits Dharam on his face, punching it. Kavya is all shocked and wanting to do something to stop the mess. She pleads again and again but in vain. Finally, irritated and frustrated to see her two best friends fighting over a silly unnecessary misunderstanding, she screams on top of her voice "Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Dharam, Sikhar, you morons. Just stop this right now. Or I'll just walk off"

Both of them stop fighting and look at Kavya. Dharam's nose was bleeding and Sikhar's forehead was.

Kavya is almost in tears to see what mess her best friends had just created. She looked up at Dharam and said "Dharam!! I thought you were just the person I would always want to be with, the person I'd love all my life. But you simply ruined it. Even you Sikhar, you know that Dharam is impulsive and instead of telling him the truth you started fighting....

Dharam: What truth? What are you say.........

Kavya(cuts Dharam): You should have at least listened me once Dharam but never mind.......... JUST GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME BOTH OF YOU.

With that Kavya Stormed out of her room. Dharam and Sikhar stood there, dumbfounded. Sikhar knew he did wrong. He loves Kavya, but She loves Dharam. He knew that love is a feeling and not a decision so he shouldn't have done that. He would always stay a loyal friend to her. He decided to tell Dharam the truth.

Dharam didn't understand what truth Kavya was talking about, what did she mean when she said "i'd love all my life" and all theses answers he could get only from Sikhar, but he knew it would be very difficult to get answers from him because of his own mistake. But what could he do? Anger seeped in his veins When he heard Kavya confessing his love for Sikhar and seeing Kavya in Sikhar's embrace he lost it. But wait he didn't hear the name. But again she was hugging Sikhar and she said I LOVE YOU right, then it means........................... OH GOD WHAT A MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Uff... what a mess. Poor Dharam.

So what do you think the love story ends? or Begins?

Will Kavya give him a chance?

Comment your thoughts.


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