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Chapter 6

My best friend and I can communicate without a single word. – Anonymous.

Kavya called her mom and informed her that she was alright but before she could say anything else the battery died.

Dharam knew Kavya very well. He knew that Kavya would have selected local train to go home hence as soon as he came to know about the blast he rushed to Bandra station. He wasn't sure that he would find her at Bandra, but he decided to start checking from there. All the way long he was tensed. Thousands of thoughts came to his mind. He was worried about her welfare. He would never be able to forgive himself if anything happens to her. Because he knew that due his behaviour Kavya selected local train to go home. He reached the station. He was frantically looking for Kavya. Seeing the dead bodies the blood made him more scared. He was losing his hope with every passing minute of finding her alive. Just when his about to get down to the tracks to find her, he heard noticed a small phone lying near his feet which Kavya threw when it was switched off. He didn't know that it was a good sign or a bad one. The phone was lying on the station which means she was here but if she was there why is her phone lying like this??? Before he could make any move he saw Kavya standing beside a pole weeping. He was relieved to see her alive. He released the breath he didn't know he was holding. He had no words to describe what he was feeling at that time. But he was also worried seeing that Kavya didn't respond at all she was only weeping. She was shaken by what she had seen. All that he was seeing was hard to digest for him too. She saw him standing there with phone in his hand but she didn't speak anything. She just stared at him. He went towards her, but didn't say anything. He just held her hand after sometime took her to the car. She sat in the car without a word. She had stopped crying but still didn't say anything. Dharam meanwhile had called Devyani and informed her that she is fine and they are coming home. He also called Kamya and Sikhar informing them about their whereabouts.

They drove to her home in silence. When they reached home Devyani rushed and hugged her daughter. Both mother and daughter were in tears. When Kavya saw the kid wailing beside his father she couldn't imagine how devastated she would be if she lost anyone dear to her. Seeing Dharam on station with worried expression made her cry more for an unexplainable reason but she was relieved that he was there. He was there for her. A feeling of relief, a feeling of being alright washed inside her when he held her hand. She knew he had a lot of questions but she was grateful he didn't ask her anything then. In fact when Devyani wanted to ask her Dharam gestured her not to ask her anything at that time. Kavya wanted to run away from there, she wanted to be left alone. Dharam knew that. They quietly went to her room and sat on the swing in her balcony. They just sat there without a single word. Simply holding hands each lost in their own thoughts. Trying not to think about what they saw just an hour ago. After some hours which seemed like days Dharam finally gathered courage and spoke

Dharam: Seriously I have never met someone as mad as you!! Champa!

Kavya: Ya, I know thanks for the compliment.

Dharam: Anytime............. Anyways but I am still sad that nothing happened to you absolutely nothing?? Not even a scratch. How I wish that a leg should have broken so that you could not run behind me or a hand should have been broken so that I won't be scratched by your nails!!!!

Kavya: Oh really! But I couldn't make out any of these wishes on your face when you were madly looking for me on the station.

Dharam: Oh that! You forgot that I am an award winning actor.

Kavya: Shut up Dharam! I know that you care for me more than you care to agree.

Dharam: Oh is it so?? Then why did princess select local train to go home. I mean I know that you were annoyed by me but you could have gone with Sikhar or taken a cab but no you are so stubborn. Even your Dad had refused you to use local train, hadn't he? You didn't even think about your parents Kavya.

(He sighed and looked away from her. Kavya knew he was very angry but he was controlling his anger. She really felt sorry for her deed. But least did she know that something like this would happen)

Kavya: I'm really sorry Dharam. But how would I know that a blast would take place?? Millions of people travel daily through it. I mean nothing happens to them. How would I know?? But I am sorry, really sorry Dharam.

Dharam: Millions of people travelling are not millionaires Kavya. Apart from blast also many mishaps occur. What if someone would kidnap you??? You are not going by local trains anymore that's it. Do you understand?

(He was continuously moving his hand in his own hair. A sign of his frustration. Kavya knew he really cared for her and that's why he was angry.)

Kavya: I promise I won't go by trains anymore. Please forgive me.

She tugs on his hand and he faces her. With a small smile he asks

Dharam: You're forgiven Champa!! And I am also sorry.

Kavya: Oh! Shut up kitty. And why are you sorry?

Dharam: I shouldn't have got angry, especially after the scenes you have witnessed on the station.

Kavya: It's ok. But the scenes there were really dreadful. I am still shaken up. The wails of that baby are still not leaving my ears. When I close my eyes I see blood, human parts and what not.

With that sentence she broke down. She let all the tears all the pain she was feeling out of her on his shoulders. He quietly held her hand because he knew that she was not ok. It was not easy to forget all that. He needed her just as much she needed him .He didn't even want to imagine losing her.

Sometimes you just need someone not to advice you not to talk to you but just to be there. Be there with YOU. Someone who wouldn't question you. Someone who understands your silence better than your words. Someone who can comfort you by mere presence. Someone with whom you feel safe. That someone will be your best friend. Dharam and Kavya happened to be that someone for each other.


This chapter basically makes them realise each other's importance. They know they will always have each other's support.

Stay tuned to find what more unexpected is coming their way!

Thank you.


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