Chapter 9

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Only those friends those who think about your happiness deserve to be in your life. - Perfect Rose

Dharam and Sikhar had a lot to ask, a lot to talk with each other but they were too ashamed for their behaviour to initiate the talk. None of them uttered a word. They just went home. At home Dharam was all the more confused. The hug, her words kept repeating in his mind. He knew he had to apologise to both of them. But first he needed to talk to Sikhar so that he can know what actually had happened. So he texted him.

Dharam- Hey broda! I am really sorry. I didn't mean that.

Sikhar- It's ok. I am sorry too. I shouldn't have hit you.

Dharam- But still, I am sorry. I don't know what came over me? I had no right to say that. You're a great person.

Sikhar- Hmmmmm, but what's the use of being good? When she loves you.

Dharam- What are you talking about? Who loves me?

Sikhar- Meet me at our usual place in 15 mins. Ok?

Dharam- Okay

Dharam reached marine lines in 7 mins and was eagerly waiting for Sikhar to arrive and tell him the whole thing. Sikhar arrived just in time with a sad grim on his face. Dharam asked if he was well. Sikhar said "I am ok, it's just that the only girl I loved is in love with someone else." Dharam's face fell. He knew Sikhar was a very good guy, why would any girl refuse him.

Dharam: Did she know that you loved her?

Sikhar: I don't know. May be no, I never confessed it to her.

Dharam: Oh hmmm....

Dharam was anxious to know about Kavya and the Whole incident, but he was also a good friend of Sikhar and hence he listened him first.

Dharam: What's her name? Like if you want to tell then you may. No force.

Sikhar: Kavya...........

Dharam: What?

Sikhar: Yes, I love her.....

Before Sikhar could finish her sentence Dharam cut in

Dharam: What you love her? And she's in love with someone else? But then why was she saying she loved you and hugging you? What the hell is going on? She was talking about this truth?

Sikhar: Yes, I love her. And yes this was the truth she was talking about. She wasn't confessing love for me. She was confessing her love for you. She was too shy to talk about it. So I had asked her to close her eyes and say whatever she feels. She was so lost when talking about you that she thought you are standing in front of you and hugged me instead of you............ But before she could say anything she we got in a fight and the rest is history.

Dharam was speechless he didn't know how to react. He was sad that his friend was heartbroken but what excited him was that his best friend, his pretty girl loved him. But wait did he love her? No he didn't......... yes his did........... No................ yes. Oh freak what a confusion. Sikhar brought him out of his trail of thoughts by speaking

Sikhar: She really loves you Dharam. Don't loose her. Just go and confess your love to her. I am sure you two will make best of the pairs. I knew from the very beginning that you both are in love with each other. But still you know, I kind of thought that my stars may get some what lucky and some day may be one day she would notice that I love her. But this doesn't change the fact. YOU BOTH ARE INDEED MADE FOR EACH OTHER.

Dharam was dumbstruck with what Sikhar said. Sikhar said that he was in love with her. But he really didn't know if he was. He decided to share his confusion with Sikhar.

Dharam: I don't know if I actually love her. Yes, she is my best friend. I love her but you know as a best friend not as someone................... Well you know what I mean.

Sikhar: Calm down Dude! Okay! First tell me why did you hit me?

Dharam: Hey I didn't hit you. You started it.

Sikhar (let out a humourless chuckle): Ohkay! I started it. But you were angry right? Tell me why?

Dharam: I was angry because she said she loves you and she was hugging you.

Sikhar: So?

Dharam: So?

Sikhar: So What? Why were you angry if she said she loves me? It's her choice whom she loves. You have no right to choose whom she loves right?

Dharam: Ummmm............... because, cause, the reason is........... I don't know

Sikhar: I'll tell, the reason is you were jealous of me.

Dharam: No I wasn't.

Sikhar: Really Dharam? Then get me any other valid reason for being angry on me.

Dharam could not think of anything else and finally agreed on what Sikhar said.

Sikhar: You'll be jealous only when you are in love.

Dharam: May be I am jealous because I'll have to share her.

Sikhar: Alright, I see. You are not convinced that you love her. Do one thing you go and talk to her. Sort out your fight, it will help to clear your confusion.

Dharam: Are you sure I should talk to her??

Sikhar: Yes, go quickly. Before I change my mind and make her mine.

Dharam: OK............ Are you ok?

Sikhar: Yes! D! Now go.

Dharam could see that Sikhar's eyes were filled with tears. He knew that Sikhar was broken, but was there anything he could do about it. He hugged him that was the last thing he could do to comfort him.

Dharam: Thanks! Sikhar. I always wondered why Kavya calls you Mr. Perfect but now I know why!! You really are Mr. Perfect.

Sikhar: Ya Right! Don't hurt my Tweety ok? Take care of her. She's too good to loose.

Dharam: I will take care of her. Now, I need to run to talk to her. Thanks again bbye take care.

Sikhar: You too take care. Bbye.

Dharam was nervous well damn nervous he didn't know what to say to her. Conversations with Kavya had always been easy because they had known each other since childhood. But know when he knows she loves him what would he say? Will she accept him? Did he actually love her? Was he really jealous because he loves her?

Dharam had tried calling her many times but she won't answer her. The only way he could get to her was to go to her home. She would be more annoyed if he does that because if he goes to her home she'll be forced to talk to him even when she doesn't want to talk. So in mere 10 mins Dharam was there knocking her bedroom's door.

And then the door opened, he could literally hear his heart beats beating loud drums in his ears. But finally managed to say

Dharam: Hi, pretty girl...............


I know I know cliff hanger...............

Well next chapter will be the meet between them

What do you think? Will she accept him? Will he know his love for her? What more is unexpected?

Stay tuned.


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