Chapter 33

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Who says love stories don't come true. True love, near one's support and the will of destiny, and your story will be the sweetest. -Prfctrose.

Seeing four of them on the stage Kavya and Dharam were shocked to say the least. But what they spoke blew their heads off.

Kamya: I have known Dharam since the day he was born but he thinks I don't know what he feels or does.

Devyani: I know they act as if we are their enemies.

Rajat: My baby girl was so good when she was young she used to share everything with me and ask my advice for even small decisions of her life.

Aman: Whatever it may be but I didn't expect any of them to behave like this.

Kamya: I wish they had, you know, even considered telling us.

Rajat: To them we're simply old fellows who don't understand about their generation.

Devyani: Talk for yourself mister, we're quite young isn't it Kamya?

Kamya: Focus Devi focus!

Rajat: She always lacks that Kamya. (Chuckles)

Aman: Kamya is no less, best friends you see.

Rajat: Haha but for once, look at Dharam's and Kavya's expressions. We better come to the point.

Aman: Oh ok! I can't keep the pretense up anymore, Dharam Kavya come on the stage.

They both scurry of to the stage quickly not understanding a bit what their parents were upto.

Devyani: Look at their faces (laughs)

Kamya: Yeah! They are looking as if we're going to give them a death sentence.

Aman: Well it is kind of a death sentence only.

Rajat: Guys! Please now can we just get done with it?

Devyani: Ok so ladies and gentlemen today the proud parents of Kavya and Dharam are going to do something they never even imagined us to do.

Kamya: Though they had wished for it!

Aman: They are best friends, they love to spend time together.

Rajat: So found out a way to keep them permanently together.

(Looking at the faces of Kavya and Dharam) Kamya: Yes it is exactly what you think. We know you love each other and we are proud of your choice.

Devyani: Dear, we were never against your love, it was just that age wasn't right. In fact we always knew that you are the best for each other.

Rajat: So we formally announce the engagement of Kavya

Aman: And Dharam exactly after a month.

Kavya and Dharam were awestruck they couldn't believe that this was happening. Two days ago they weren't sure about telling their parents and now the whole world knew. They were still not sure if this was a reality. Their happiness knew no bounds but the happiness on their parents' face surpassed theirs'. Their friend's eyes gleamed with joy and others applauded their love. They were eternally grateful for friends and family like this. In India were there still exists cases of forced marriages they were beyond just lucky to have parents like them.

Later they came to know that this all jointly planned by Sean Eli Sikhar and Anchal. They were indeed blessed.

A month flew by quickly and they were engaged.

Kavya: Engagement and all that is one thing but I am still waiting for the proposal.

Dharam: Oh! Is it. But why don't you propose me? Ours has been the most unusual story so why not do this thing also the other way round.

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