Chapter 21

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Important author note at the end do read!

Stop! Think! Grasp! Act!!  - Prfctrose

Dharam (wrapping his arms around Kavya's shoulders): hey beautiful, isn't this the best thing to happen to us in our entire life. It looks like a miracle, that just few days back we weren't even speaking and today we are together, and the best part is we are going to stay together. The very thought of it is exciting me and making me happy as a clam at high tide.

Kavya (smiling all this while with a sparkling glitter in her eyes): That's so true Dharam! I still cannot believe that our parents have agreed to this, it's like a dream come true! I just cannot stop smiling at the thought of getting to live with you in one house. This is simply so much amazing, isn't it?

Dharam: Ofcourse my Love! And what is more amazing is that I have the most pretty girl in the world in front of me, and what is all the more amazing is that now we are absolutely alone in this big house, and then, it goes without saying that I am going to make the most of it.

Kavya (realizing what Dharam was exactly intending to say): No way Dharam, are you out of your mind? Martha will be coming and.......

And before she could talk any further, Dharam places his lips on hers. She feels electrified to all the millions of cells in her, and completely melts into his sudden kiss. Dharam then holds Kavya's face in his hands and the kiss gets more passionate. He then drags her to the sofa in the living room, while simultaneously kissing her. He pushes her on the sofa while leaning all over her and still kissing each other. The kiss now gets wild, when Dharam places his one hand on her waist, while the other still being on her cheeks. And the moment he moves his hand on her waist, Kavya cannot help but feel tickled, and she breaks off from the kiss and smiles like one small kid who has been caught doing mischief and who just cannot control giggling. Oh this Girl!, Dharam thought, she would jump up at even a slightest touch on her waist. But Dharam loves his girl all the more now. Her Smile! It was like something that could brighten up his day, it was like something that would make him forget all that we would be thinking, and something that would mean a pause to all other things going around him. He loved it every time she would laugh her heart out. The sound of her laughter was the best melody in the world. It was so much innocent that he would be able to feel the highest serenity in the world. He would always be trying to make her laugh, even if it would mean cracking really silly jokes.

Dharam gets cut off from his trail of admiring thoughts with Kavya tickling him back. It normally doesn't really affect him, but he reacts as if though it did, a lot. He was laughing really hard, and trying to push Kavya away, and tickling her back in the process. The two were having real fun, playing, giggling, and cuddling each other. It was a time in so many days that the two were living moments of peace, moments of being absolutely carefree, moments of loving and moments of being loved. They wanted these moments to never ever end, but they were now tired with the long day and thus fall asleep in each others arms.

Matha (splashing a glass full of water on them): Wake up you two! what the hell on earth do you think you are doing?

Dharam (waking up in absolute shock): Who the H..... What is happening around here?

Martha: This is the exact question that I am supposed to be asking. Aren't the two of you supposed to be sleeping in two separate rooms, instead of getting cozy here?

Kavya (rubbing her eyes and wiping off her face): Martha! what is wrong with you, is this how you wake up people?

Martha: Yes, this is the nicest way of waking up two kids who have forgotten what they are told to be doing, and who cross limits at my house here!

Kavya: oh dear lady! I am sure you are mistaken. Actually yesterday night Dharam and I were passing time having fun with each other. And we were so tired that we didn't realize when we fell asleep. However we know the rules and we will definitely take care that this doesn't happen again. It's my promise aunty!

Dharam gave a confused look at Kavya, wondering was she by any chance really intending to follow such an fortuitous promise!
Kavya exactly knew Dharam's confusion and as soon as Martha looked away from her for a moment, she winked at Dharam and smiled at him naughtily.
Dharam loved this titillating gesture from his girlfriend and couldn't control blushing.

Dharam (pretending innocence): yes Aunty Martha! Kavya is absolutely right. We promise we will not do any such mischief from now on (barely controlling his urge to smile).

Kavya: yes Aunty, but now can I request you to please serve us with some delicious food cooked by Super Chef Martha? We are absolutely starving by now!

Martha: Food? What food? I have not cooked anything for you two and neither do I have any ingredients enough for preparing anything for you.

Dharam: what? Then how do you think we are going to survive?

Martha: why? When you thought you were old enough to get married, didn't it occur to you that then you are old enough to take care of yourselves on your own? Oh yes right!! You obviously wouldn't have thought about it because you were too busy celebrating your togetherness!

Dharam and Kavya thoughtfully look at each other when it dawns to them that they had never thought any of this would also be coming.

Kavya: Martha! We accept that we have taken this hasty decision and we are even ready now to face the consequences. But dear, don't you think it is heartless to not even give us a little time? Would you like seeing us starving in front of you?

Martha: ofcourse not my princess, and infact that is the only reason that I am going to grant you two a week's time. And by the end of the week, you will have to had decided who will play what roles like earning for the two of you, cooking, cleaning, maintaining the house, buying necessities and managing funds. And as simple as it may sound sweethearts, believe me you are going to have a hell of a time learning all this. So all the best you two! For this new and challenging phase of your life.


Ooopssss! Life never fails throwing you a big challenge just when you start thinking that it is going perfect!

So what do you guys think? Who will take what roles and how will their 'live-in under surveillance' be like??

Waiting to hear your reviews!


Happie reading:)


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