Chapter 29

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Sometime just one turn one twist is enough to make your life a roller-coaster  ride. - Prfctrose.

Time flies like a peregrine falcon bird, but well that could be an understatement for Dharam's and Kavya's lives because their time was flying by without a pause. The past few months were extremely hectic for both of them. It took almost a month and a half for Dharam to recover from his injuries and ever since that day he had been wishing that he would never have recovered from his injuries because since that day he has been nothing but busy. As soon has he recovered and was fit to play, his coach started severe practices of basketball to prepare the team for the upcoming tournament. He would attend college, then go for practice and then whatever time was left he would spend it working in a café to earn his pay, though it may not be enough to cover his stay there but he was happy that he was doing at least something to cover his costs. Not that his parent needed any help but there is a sense of freedom in being independent. He hardly had time to do or think about anything else. Weekends for him were a bliss of God, though he had café on weekends too, but a break from college meant a lot. At least he was at his home for few hours a week. First tournament, then exhibition and then something and then something continued to keep him busy.... oh sorry very very busy.

On the other hand Kavya was facing the same difficulties. She too was caught up between college and fashion institute. Undoubtedly she loved working there but work is work!! It has its own exhaustion and responsibilities. The trio was again back together since Sean had realised his mistake and apologised to her, it did take some time but it did happen. Kavya and Dharam were not strangers now but it was difficult to term them exactly as friends too. They had hardly talked for almost months. They may have been disconnected in terms of regular communications, but they were still connected by this special bond that they had shared for years now. Their parents purpose of sending them away to different countries for their good was finally working. They were busy, they were separated but they were happy. They had realised how immature and stupid their decision of marrying each other at that time was. It took a good three years for them to realise analyse evaluate and understand everything. It wasn't easy but it was necessary nonetheless. They were grateful to their parents because if it hadn't been for them they wouldn't would have known how to live on their own. And as for their parents they were more than just happy because their little kids had grown into matured adults.

But amongst all this they also had realized one thing that although sometime ago their approach towards their relationship was wrong but the person they had their relationship with, was not wrong. They knew that the love they felt for each other was true, it was real as real as everything else. Their choice of way of relationship was not appropriate but their choice of person was most certainly not wrong. They had completed their courses but they still wanted to stay there learn from that place and gain more experience. But as we all know destiny has its own game to play which pays no heeds to what we have decided. This happened with them too.

One day when Dharam was getting ready for his job he decided to just check his mails and messages when he came across a video message from his best friend the fashion queen the high social bee who once loved him, Anchal Modi. During his years in Australia he wasn't too regularly connected with her. So to say the least he was surprised when he received a video message from her because he was sure that it wasn't his birthday but he hoped that it wasn't hers too. But when he opened the video his shock new no bounds. Anchal was dressed in a beautiful lehenga, in a total traditional look as if she is getting married because Dharam knew that Anchal and traditional were a big NO-NO. So he was intrigued he played the video. Anchal was looking breath taking in flaring pink lehenga and she said

Anchal: "I know teri life bahut happening hai............. I was going to wish you like Kalki had wished Ranbir Kapoor in YJHD but then I thought Man! You don't deserve it you idiot. You are really stupid you forgot me dude! And don't you dare deny it because we both know it is true. Pfft! But still I didn't forget you I specially made this video to say that I know that you have a good life a good future their but please come back for few days I am getting hitched yes I am and you can't even guess who it is! Come back soon we all are waiting specially the groom! Miss you."

Dharam was surprised to see what he saw and hear what he just heard! THE ANCHAL MODI was getting hitched and she didn't even tell him the name of the groom. He wanted to call her and ask if everything was true but it would be in middle of the night so he decided calling Kavya to know if it was true. From which he found out that the news was indeed true and she was actually on her way to catch a flight for Mumbai & she also knew who the groom was but didn't tell him instead shouted on him for not being a good friend. The confirmation of the news only warranted for two things first applying for leave and the other booking a ticket for India.

And then Dharam in the evening out of blue was leaving for India and Kavya was on her flight to India they both were excited to be back. So many people, so many emotions, so many memories and most importantly each other. Well about seeing each other they were more nervous than excited because they feared that if they met each other now they wouldn't know how to react. They kept a knowledge about each other by checking fb posts but now they never talked with each other about the personal matters. Or specifically never asked each other about being in a relationship because they scared hearing a yes they knew that it would break their heart if their other half had found someone else.

There excitement along with nervousness there was happiness mixed with a bit of tension. There was a promise of colourful happy events but there was also a fear of heart breaking news. The journey was about to end or about to begin? A mystery was to be unraveled from a land so familiar. Isn't it funny that life gives us the most amazing surprise when we least expect it.


So who do you think is the groom?

Trust me the journey has just begin!


Unexpected But AcceptedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt