Chapter 13

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After holding on to him tight for about 7 minutes, Kavya finally pulled back, and as though the expression wasn't enough, she kissed Dharam on his cheek to ensure she did everything possible to make him realise how much she was loving all his arrangements. She couldn't thank him in words, it just wouldn't fit in.

Dharam was completely lost in such a tight embrace and when Kavya's lips touched his cheecks, the cells inside him had got highly active to make that moment palpable and within seconds when her lips were apart from his cheeks, the cells started feeling unjustified which made him utter:

Dharam: Kavya, had we been children and had we taken the statue game seriously, I would have told you statue when your lips where touching my cheeks and I would have kept that position for eternity.

Kavya blushes at this unexpected reaction from Dharam, since she had already been tad emarrassed on her sudden kiss on his cheek. It was a complete non-synchronization between instructions from her brain and actions of her cells.

Dharam takes this opportunity and quickly kisses her on her cheek.

Kavya's cheeks has now surpassed the redness of a tomato and she quickly grabs Dharam's arms who were waiting for her to be taken to the table at the restaurant.

Dharam escorted Kavya to the table, her hand in his arms. Kavya was absolutely loving the soft petals under her feet and felt like a princess with the way she was being treated.

Once they reach by the table, Dharam picks out a rose from the vase on the table, as if it was meant to be a part of his plan, and sits on his knees holding the rose in his hand, offered to his girl.

Dharam: For a girl way more beautiful and a lot more red with blush than this rose here!!

Kavya accepts the rose with a wide smile and they got themselves seated on the chairs around this 'table for two', which had a small board which clearly said RESERVED. Yes, she was reserved for him now, and so was he. She was feeling as though living in a fairy land. Her eyes were sparkling with joy and she was loving the way Dharam was treating her, his girl friend.

Dharam then broke the silence and asked Kavya, "Kavya, this is for the first time I have endeavored to do such arrangements of a date. I hope you liked it"

Kavya: Dharam!! I have never in my life seen something as amazing as this. I am stupefied!!!

Dharam (chuckles): Yeah actually you natural actions did convey to me that fact. So Kavya, my cheeks are just indicating me to ask you that when are you planning to schedule the next session of that act? (winks)

Kavya (laughing out loud): What are you talking of, crazy boy!! I bet you are capable of giving Mr Romeo Montague a run for his script!

Dharam: Well when the girl who has let her tender hand in my hand is nothing less than Ms Juliet Capulet, this much flirtatiousness comes naturally.

Kavya blushed and looked in Dharam's eyes. She had never ever seen this side of Dharam. She was absolutely in love with him.

Dharam too was totally lost in Kavya, her pretty little dress and high heels adding to the beauty of her already gorgeous self, her eyes glittering with joy, her uncontrollable blush, her trying to hide her excitement. Dharam had never seen her like this earlier. He was loving her this new side so much that he wanted it to go on forever.

Both of them were broken off their 'gazing at each other' and 'thinking about each other' by the waiter who lent forward the Menu Card for them to order dinner.

Dharam: What would you like to have pretty girl?

Kavya: (in a fraction of second) YOU!

And he immediately realized that it sounded very desperate and it made her feel embarrassed a lot.

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