Chapter 24

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You don't always miss something, but when you do, you miss even the minutest thing related to it. -Prfctrose


He turns around to look at Robert, his classmate and best friend in Melbourne. Robert was this typical Australian, charming, intellectual, and simultaneously witty and sarcastic. His eyes were sapphire blue in colour and his accent, extremely unique and would stimulate attention.

Dharam: Hey Rob! What's up Bro! (waving him a hi-five)

They were at their favorite hangout place Victoria Garden. The two would quite often visit the garden and sit on its benches for hours. With Rob, Dharam would naturally feel quite comfortable. Infact, for their last mid term exams, they had even studied together at the garden. It was quite amusing to Dharam, how unlike his Indian friends, Rob was very easy to be with. He never had to fulfill his commitments of hangout plans, because Rob would anyways have some or the other friends to spend time with. And anyways he wasn't a person who would ever feel offended or like on any matter. Full of life person that he was, Dharam simply enjoyed his company since the last more than 2 months. Yes, that's when the two become really good friends. The two were in the same class since last 4 months. One day when Dharam was about to enter his class he saw Jack Ben, another classmate of his, pushing himself towards one of the walls besides the classroom entrances. He could also hear grunts coming from that direction so decided to find out what was happening. As he was about to reach Jack, he could also hear a noise like the one that would emerge out of someone trying to scream but would be forcefully pressed against her mouth. Yes it was definitely from some female and as soon as he reached Jack, he saw that he was trying to assault Anna, the Nigerian in his class. She immediately tried to push away Jack, but Jack in return started abusing him and he started with punching him in his stomach. Dharam was completely shocked since it had hardly been sometime since he was in this new country and he was already being beaten up by someone. He couldn't do much in response, because he was too taken by shock, but managed to push Jack away once or twice. Just while he almost going to fall on the ground, he heard someone shouting on top of his voice

Rob: Hey Jack, Stop!!! Stop just right now!! (and like an obedient pup, Jack diverted his attention to Rob) what do you think you are doing, do you want me to complaint to your Warden? I am sure you will have a great time with him then.

Jack immediately left Dharam and gave a frowning look to Rob and left. It appeared that Jack was an Australian but didn't belong to Melbourne and was staying in the hostel of their college. And it wasn't unknown to anyone at the college that if there was anything the hosteliers feared the most, it was being expelled by their wardens. So supposively, Rob made took advantage of his consternation.

Since that day, Dharam would always make it a point that he smiled at Rob, out of obligation and out of a feeling of comfort around him. Once then Rob invited Dharam to go out for dinner with his friends, about 24 of them. Rob indeed had a very big group of friends and was quite prominent in his college too. And it wasn't any specific point of time after then, when the two became very good friends.

Robert: Ask me my mind is occupied with that Canadian in our class (winks)

Dharam (chuckling): Yeah you keep saying that. And I keep telling you that she isn't anything even close to what a real girl should be (winks)

Robert: Then tell me today, what type of a girl is a real girl?

Dharam: An Indian girl is a real girl. She is just like India, diverse to every bit of the cells in her. Sometimes she is happy like a cheerful star and would be dancing around with glee, and sometimes she would be upset for no specific reason and would start throwing tantrums at you. But you know what, you can get her back in mood just with her favorite chocolate or an ice cream, she is that easy to deal with. She knows how to flirt with boys and how to maintain their interest, and at the same time she knows the importance of her parent's reputation and would not do anything that would upset them. She will sing alone assuming possession of all the Nightingales of the world in her throat, and she will dance to her own tunes as if she knew all existent forms of dances, but still chose to dance in her own unique style. She will be emotional so much that even a imbecile TV Soap would make her cry, and she will be strong so much that she would even absorb the hardest situations for her important people. She would laugh as if there would be no tomorrow, live like it would be her last breath. She would be the heart of her father, a doll to her mother, a best friend to her siblings, she would be a strong backup for her friends and would be a support system to her best friends, she would be a naughty girlfriend to her husband, a responsible mother to her child, an adapting 'bahu' to her in-laws. She would have not have lived too much for herself in all her life, but she will live her each moment with her people. She would be spicy like a Bhut Jolokia and sweet like a Jalebi all at once. She would be the girl you could happily give your everything to, she would be the one you would be willing to give you life for. She would be the one you would do everything possible to make her feel special. She would be the one you would happily want to spend all your life and all your lives with. She would be someone like the sparkle of the stars, she would be someone like the sunshine of the mornings, she would be someone like the first rains, she would be someone like a child's laughter, she would be someone like the sweetest fragrance, she would be someone like.....she would be someone like Kav.............

Robert: Kav who? you know someone like this? I bet you are the luckiest man on earth!

Dharam (he knew Rob would just let this go, but he still felt the urge to tell him about Kavya): Kavya, she is my childhood bestie. And she is a lot more than what I could tell in words.

Robert: I would definitely like to meet your Kavya girl sometime. She sounds like so much interesting.

Dharam: Yes she indeed is. She'd love to meet you too.

It was evening by then and just like everyday, they would go for a cliff dive. Dharam had fallen in love with this adventure by now and had made it a routine. Dharam would be free about an hour earlier every day and would loiter around the Victoria Garden, which was really near from the cliff. Most of the times Rob would also reach there about sometime early and would kill the time with Dharam. Rob had a few of his other friends who would accompany them, and they had to wait for them everytime. But the sport was dearer to Dharam and Rob more than all the others.

Robert: So douchebag! Shall we leave for the love of our lives (lending an arm to Dharam as if they were going for a date)

Dharam (chuckles): Sure scum....let's go.

They move past the garden and reached the cliff in about 5 mins. Robs friend were waiting there but it looked like they were confused a bit and were in deep discussion on the same.

Rob: Hey boys, What's up?

Abram: Rob we were thinking of not diving today because its quite foggy, and it has been drizzling too, the land is quite wet and it looks slippery. It doesn't look too safe.

Rob (laughing out too loudly): What are you boys talking of? We know the cliff in and out now. I am jumping right away.

Saying this, he jumped into the waters and within a moment he was out of sight, lost in the grey fog. They all looked towards the waters in absolute horror when suddenly a loud splash was heard, and they could here some faint voice screaming in excitement from down in the waters, which was Rob's voice for sure. Dharam turned his back towards the waters and faced Rob's friends and said, "look guys I don't think it is going to be risky at all. Rob also made it, and I am going to do it too! You can follow me if you please!" It suddenly started raining very heavily and the sky was filled with dark clouds. Dharam looked up and said, "what is this life, if full of care, if we just sit there, and never dare!" Saying this, he took a step backwards, still facing the boys, and......his leg slipped from the slippery edge of the land and he swung off the cliff, falling into the even more dark fog. The next thing the boys heard was en extremely loud scream and an even louder groan from below. They heard a loud thud, this time not from the waters. They all looked at each other at absolute trepidation but none of them had to courage to follow and check.


A big twist here. I hope you are enjoying reading. There's a lot more to happen still. But before that, I'll share this super big big good news with all of you. Our book has been ranked #331 in Romance!!!! Isn't it an out of the world feeling to know that you stand such a rank amongst millions of other writers. But well, I would like to thank you all with the full of my heart (not only the bottom of it ;) ) for reading it, for being constant! We love you all..... Thank you so so much again!!

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