Chapter 22

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Confessing your love is difficult but it is just the trailer not even close to the picture. - Prfctrose

Kavya and Dharam had been absolutely clueless about from where to begin and what to do? They had so much to do with so little of time. They wasted one whole week in fighting and deciding who would do what work. Finally they settled to the typical Indian society norms i.e. Kavya will manage household chores while Dharam would do some earning with a part time job and also buying groceries. Not to forget that they still had their studies to complete. Beginning with what job would Dharam pursue, he managed to get a job at a call centre and Kavya learned cooking from videos online, and cleaning and maintaining the litter that Dharam would keep creating around in the house.

The two weeks' time had finally ended and they were ready to fight the battle because the urge to be with each other was way more than the difficulties in being together. In the first week, the feeling of being together excited them and hence somehow pulled off soundly to the second week. But the tension started building in the second week when Dharam started complaining about the burnt chapattis and Kavya complaining that he didn't have time for her. They would argue with each other but they would always sort it out before the end of the day. One complete month passed. They made sure that neither of them didn't go to bed angry.

Their work load kept increasing and exams were also approaching. They thought that with the passage of time everything would get easy. But it didn't seem to happen. Instead they seemed to get more and more reasons to fight with each other rather than for each other. Neither of them was liking it but it wasn't easy for them to manage this situation. Each day started with Kavya complaining about how difficult it was to maintain house with such a low budget and ended with Dharam's complain on how badly Kavya cooked and ultimately blaming one another for not working hard. Things never seemed to sort out. Their conversations changed from 'I will apologize first' to 'why should always I apologize first'. 

The next day was going to be their first year anniversary. Kavya remembered it because she knew that some kind of a celebration could really help them calm the irritation and frustration that they had been living for, what seemed to be like ages, by now. She had been waiting for this day since a long time now. She decided to wish Dharam at 12 in the night with a small cake that she would make herself. Dharam was going to be home at around 9 pm from work. She decided she'll go to Anchal's house to bake the cake so that he wouldn't know. She made a big heart on it and it tasted 'not too bad'. She had texted Dharam that she is going to Anchal's for sometime and will be back by night. She was really excited. She had left merely bread and butter for Dharam to have for dinner but she knew that he will understand when he will see the cake that it would have been difficult for her to spare more time for preparing dinner.

When she reached home at around 11:00 in the night, she saw a note on the dining table saying, "I am going to Shikhar's house for the night! I am really hungry and irritated and need a little time off. I really wish you get a little better with cooking now." Reading this, tears fell off from Kavya's eyes. She couldn't believe that Dharam would be so upset with her, and more than that, she absolutely couldn't believe that he didn't remember their anniversary. She left the cake on the dinning table and went to her bed, unable to control the constantly flowing tears. She wanted to be alone, she wanted to recap and go back to the happier memories of them, she wanted to be with him atleast in her memories right now. She went back to the day when she had confessed her love to him, the time when he was so much supportive of her during the days when she was totally shaken from the blast incident, she could recollect the surprise that Dharam had organised on her birthday, she could recollect their first kiss, their first month anniversary, his birthday, everything, and then she could also remember all the arguments and fights that they have been into since more than 2 months now. She couldn't help but feel terrible about the depressing transition that they have experienced because of their stubborn decision of wanting to get married immediately. It definately was a hasty decision. They were indeed lucky that their parents insisted on them staying together for sometime, or they would have never known what kind of sudden outburst of responsibilities, a marriage gets along with it.

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