Chapter 20

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Parents! they have got all the ways to make you do what they want and still keep you happy. lol. -Prfctrose

Kavya's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe that it was actually happening. The past month had been a hell for her. She felt as if there was a gaping hole in her heart. She missed him terribly. But she couldn't even understand whether what was happening was a dream or reality? But she loved Dharam and she knew what she was to say.

"Yes!!! yes Dharam I will marry you. It would be the best thing to ever happen to me." With this they hugged and the college cheered but there were only two faces that were worried. Yes, Sikhar and Anchal. They were worried because they knew that this was a very very big step. They remember how the Sharma and the Hansraj reacted when they came to know about relationship of Kavya and Dharam and god alone would know what would happen if their parents came to know about them getting married. They decided to confront their best friends. The atmosphere finally calmed down. And finally the fantastic four sat together. There were big grins on face of the couple they were holding each other's hand. Sikhar finally asked what was bothering him "Are you both sure about this?" This question made Dharam's brow furrow, he said "What do you mean? I love her and of course I am sure about this."

Sikhar: Yes, I know you love her but don't you think it's way too early.

Anchal: Stop scowling both of you, we are asking because we both care about you guys.

Dharam: But why this question? We love each other and we want to be together.

Anchal: What about your parents?

Kavya: We will explain them. You two are supposed to be helping us and not scaring us.

Sikhar: We aren't scaring you. We are just telling you the truth

Kavya (sarcastically): Sure you are!!

Anchal: Anyways, how and when are you going to tell them?

Dharam: Tonight itself. I will go with my family to her home.

He looked at Kavya for her reaction. She was unsure about telling them but she knew it was for the best to tell them. She smiled and gave him a nod.

Sikhar and Anchal were unsure about this whole idea but they couldn't do anything.

Sikhar: Ok, all the best.

Anchal: Call us once this is over.

Kavya: You guys are not coming.

Sikhar: No I guess we shouldn't because it's something that should involve family only. No doubt you treat us as family...... But you know what I mean.

Anchal: He's right you know?

Dharam and Kavya just nodded their head. They were just looking forward to the night they were nervous wrecks but they had each other and that's all they wanted. The time passed too soon and all were gathered at Kavya's home. And the show began.............

Aman: What is it Dharam that you wanted to talk? I think we talked all we needed to and you pretty much agreed to it.

Dharam: Yes, we did.

Rajat: Then what is it that you two wanted to say?

Kavya: We want to be together dad.
Kavya said not meeting his eyes.

Devyani: We know that, but it's not the right time. We already discussed that.

Kavya: Yes, but mom we have decided that we won't let it affect our career. We promise.

Kamya: That never happens beta, you both will be burdened too much. You need to focus on studies this is not the time for this.

Dharam: Why not? We will manage it. We are adult enough.

Aman: Look who is talking. The one who doesn't know what to do after attaining bachelors.

Dharam: I know dad about my career and also about Kavya.

Kamya: Care to elaborate?

Dharam: I have decided to do MBA and......... and I want to marry Kavya.

Rajat: Good you have decided, you can marry her if you wish at that time.

Kavya: Ummm.... No dad....... We want umm......... to get married now.

Both the parents looked with their eyes filled with shock and confusion and they didn't know what to say. The tension in the air thickened. Dharam finally broke the silence.

Dharam: Yes............ I actually proposed her today and she said yes.
Kavya breaking the news was nothing when they heard Dharam speaking this. Glass fell off from Aman's hands. Fathers were furious and mothers were too shocked to say anything.

Aman: What did you just say? Are you out of your mind? Do even understand what you are speaking.

Dharam: Yes dad I understand. I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

Rajat: But that is not enough. You have a life in front of you.

Kavya: Yes, dad the life that I want to spend with him by my side. I will fail miserably if I wouldn't be with him.

Devyani: But it's not the right time and right thing to do now.

Kavya: Why mom? We are adults. You too also had love marriage you two are doing just fine.

Kamya: Kavya, they both had established something when they married. It's not the same.

Dharam: What difference does it make mom? We love each other and we want to marry each other. That's it!

Aman: That's it? Do you even know what marriage means? What it takes to decide spending life with each other, there are not only rights it comes with a hell lot of duties.

Dharam: Dad we know that. And we are prepared to do that. We have decided to do part time job.

Rajat: Do you think that solves the problem?

Kavya: What else is there to do? We have all the necessity that are needed.

Devyani let out a sarcastic laugh: Only if you knew what marriage is, you never would have said that.

Kamya: She is absolutely right. You don't have a clue what you are saying.

Dharam: Why, mom are you afraid? Because you think that our love for you will reduce?

Aman: You will not talk in that tone with your mom.

Aman growled.

Dharam: I am sorry mom, but we are marrying ASAP. We want you to be there please.

Kavya: Yes, I am with Dharam.

Rajat: Kavya wh..

Devyani: Okay, fine.

She interrupted.

Rajat: What?

Kavya: Thank you!

Devyani: You want to get married fine. We would allow you. But first you have to take a test!

Kavya Dharam: What test?

All the heads turned to her with confused looks.

Devyani: You can get married but first you have to live with each other as if you are married under Martha our maid's care.

Rajat: Devyani first these two children and now you? What is wrong with you?

Kamya: She is right.

Aman: What? Absolutely not.

Kamya: She is right because this way they would come to know what is marriage all about that they claim to be so easy.

All of the adults now slowly came to realise that this was another tricks of the psychiatrist and well there was no one better to understand psychology other that psychiatrist herself. So they all agreed and Kavya and Dharam were happy as they finally were going to be together.

Kamya: So it decided you are moving to Martha's.


So what do you think? How is this going to work?


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