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Kim Taehyung a.k.a V, the person that you really wanted to avoid to because he is the naughtiest student you ever met in your school. He likes to prank other students and laugh out loud with his friends. Even with that attitude, he also managed to swooned girl students and that made you more anxious. For as long as you don't get near or involve with any of his tricks, you'll be save. 


You're going to the library to do some research for your project and to do some of your home works early. You're sitting alone at the corner of the room and skimming through some words from the library book you just borrowed.

As you were busy doing your work, someone was standing in front of you and you have to look up to that person because the shadow was interrupting you from reading the book.

V: hello there *smirk*

He looked down to look at you with that smirk that never left his handsome face. You try to not give that much attention to him so you fished your phone out from your bag and switch on the flashlight mode from your phone and you continue to read the book. But of course, V being himself did not want to give up easily on you so he sat in front of you.

V: so what are you doing?

You: none of your business

V: oooo feisty~ I like it~

You pretend you didn't heard him and continue reading

V: I was wondering if you wanna watch a movie with me tonight

You: sorry I'm not interested. Maybe you should try to ask your fan girls. I'm sure they want to.

With your answer, you feel satisfied because V was being silent after you answered. But you didn't know that V was smirking at you and was stunned because no girls would ever said that to him and will accept his offer despite him being a flirty guy and popular.

V: hmmm are you a good girl or bad huh?

You: well it's a lot easier to be good than to be bad

V: how is that?

You: it's simple. I try to do the right thing all the time. I try to be nice to everyone and work hard in school, and be cheerful and kind, and help people when I can, and just be a good girl.

V: oooh so you're like a Mrs. Perfect Girl

You: *chuckle* don't get me wrong. If I told you I'm perfect, that would be obnoxious. Besides, no one is perfect.

V: hmmm *nod slowly*

You guys didn't open up after that. He would just sit there and stare at you. In his mind, you're that kind of girl that was hard to be approach to and it's rare for him to bump into someone like you. He would think that you're different and yet, he feel that you're special and that's weird for him even though you guys just talk less than 10 minutes. Somehow, he felt that the way you treated him is much more different and well, as if you knew him before.

After feeling like forever sitting there and feeling his stares, the bell rings and you get up to put the book back to where you get it. You put all of your things inside your bag and ready to walk out of the library when V suddenly grabbed your hand.

V: hey uh... Can we be friends?

You: sorry?

V: I'm sorry I'm being rude to you earlier...

You: no it's okay I forgive you

V: so... friends?

You don't want to get near to him or anything but the way he looked at you with his innocent yet cute face made you chuckled and nod yes. He smiled and let go of your hand and he cleared his throat while pretending to make his tie look nice. He pulled out his right hand to you and smile

V: hi. My name is Kim Taehyung but you can call me V or Taehyung but most people call me V though hehe

You laughed at his introduction to you and accepted his hand for a handshake

You: hi. My name is ________

V: so shall we go now and get to know each other well?

You put your one finger on your chin and pretending to think while looking up. Less than 5 seconds, you agreed and walk out with him to get to know the Kim Taehyung a.k.a V that you once want to avoid. Even more, you want to know more about the real Kim Taehyung.


HELLO GUYS! Oh my gosh it's been a very very very long time since I've updated and I'm sorry for that. My exams are very hard for me and I managed to get through it though but I wish that all of my hard work will be pay off. I'm really struggling about it and I even cried because of it. But I would like to thank my friends who support me to get through it together and advise me to not give up easily. I would like to thank Allah for everything. I've been through a lot this year and a lot of feelings too haha.

Well, ever since my exams were over, I've been a very lazy girl like seriously, very lazy. But I'm trying not to because I'm trying to get a part time job. I've applied at a bookstore and a baby's clothes store which I hope one of them will accept me but seems like I will not be accepted though because I'm 17? And maybe because of my appearance that look like a kid. Don't mean to brag about it but even my family and friends said so that my appearance doesn't match my age. I mean come on seriously? --"

Anyways, wish me luck though! 

I wanted to know about you guys. How are you? I hope you're feeling good and always be safe out there. I really care about you guys even though we've never met or talk to each other face to face but I still care. And I love you guys.

The votes and the comments that you guys gave me was so amazing that I could craycray >< did you guys really think that this one shots are good? I can't even thank you guys enough. And of course, I always let you guys down because of my hiatus right? I'm very sorry from the bottom of my heart. I will make time to update and try to improve much more.

And guys, BTS comeback was.... Urgh I don't know what to say. It was... iwabegfviwavoiWNIRBVNOIwniUWBNE omgggggg they're so urhghhhagnsjbviWNjnfciwKNJsdCIJZK come onnnnnnnnnnnnn. The music video was ierbrgiqarngviaeunvilaUsbnWIBGENIuniuN

Okay enough enough fuhhhhhhh


So, have you guys watch MAMA 2015? I haven't watched it yet because I've been busy hehe. And congrats to them for winning! *throw confetti* I love them so much. Soooo much that it hurtssssss

Okay I better stop fangirling about them. Fuhhh

Oh and one more thing! My friend, @Jeadah is writing a fanfic of a boy group called Seventeen with titled "What Should I Do?". Please if you have time, read it and also vote her story. That would make her happy :)

Make sure to vote and comment! Your responds made my day bright! ^^

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