Rap Monster

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You were walking at the street, taking some fresh air in the evening. As you walked, there are a store that you were attracted. You went inside and just have a look around at that place. Then, you saw this cute Pikachu plushie and when you wanted to grab it, your hand touched with someone. 

?: Oh sorry! 

You: It's okay. 

When you look at the one who touched your hand, you were speechless. 

You: Umm.. 

?: Yes..? 

You: Oh hahha sorry! I didn't mean to- 

?: Hahaha it's suppose to be me who should be sorry. I'm Namjoon by the way. Kim Namjoon. But you can call me Rap Monster or RapMon. And you? *smile* 

You: I'm ______.. *blushed* 

Rap Monster: What a pretty name you got.. 

You: Thank you.. *Your cheek is red as a tomato*

Rap Monster: Well do you like this plushie? 

You: Yeah, why? 

Rap Monster: I can buy you one *eye smile* (not sure if he has one, hehe.) 

You: No no you don't have to- 

Rap Monster: I won't take no for an answer. And to be fair enough, I bought one for me and for you. How's that sound? 

You: *defeat* okay.. 

You both went to the cashier and he payed the plushie. 

Rap Monster: Here you go. *give you the plushie* 

You: Thank you.. *smile* 

Rap Monster: Where are you planning to go now? 

You: I don't know. Just walking around I guess. Why? 

Rap Monster: Do you mind if I take you somewhere like.. go to the movies.. park.. or.. restaurant.. 

You: Ummm... *looking down* 

Rap Monster: What do you say? *hoping* 

You: I don't said no for an answer... *smile while looking down* 

Rap Monster: So.. Shall we? *offer his hand to you with a big smile* 

You: *accepted his hand and walk together* 

Rap Monster: Well I don't know why I have this feeling strangely but I like you. 

You: *slightly shocked but calm* Me too.. *smile while looking at him* 

Rap Monster: *look at you* really?

You: Yeah.. *blushed* 

Rap Monster: You always blushing. Why is that? *smile* 

You: Uh nothing. *you blushed madly when he mention that* 

Rap Monster: You're so~ cute! Stop it! *pinch your cheek* 

You: Yaa~~ *pout* 

Rap Monster: Aww don't pout~ *ruffles your hair* 

You: *smile like crazy* 

Then, after couple months, you guys were a couple. ;) 


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