Summer - Rap Monster

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You stared at Rap Mon who's been sitting and writing lyrics at his table. He had said that if he wears fake glasses on while writing, he'd find some inspiration. What kind of theory of him by thinking that, you thought. 

You wanted to go out and do something fun with him but it seems like it won't be happening with his situation. And you don't want to spend the day alone outside. It will be less fun by yourself. 

Trying to think what can you do for today. Baking? Nah. You would just overbake and burned the food and it will be inedible for both of you and Rap Mon and it'll go to waste to the trash. Cleaning? Nah. You're too lazy to do such ting and plus, there's not much to clean. 

Then you have a thought. You rose up from your seat and went to your bedroom. You switch on the air conditioner and take your laptop from the coffee table to your bed. You search for an online movie and you feel the need to watch a horror movie. Clicking on The Conjuring 2, you paused the movie and let it streaming. You went to the closet and grabbed two thick sweaters and wore one and brought one outside the room to hand it to Rap Mon. 

You placed the sweater at the table near him and you went to the kitchen cupboard. You took a packet of not yet popped popcorn and placed it on a big ceramic bowl. You put the bowl inside the microwave and set the time and close it. While waiting, you take out some carbonated drinks and Hershey chocolate flavored syrup from the refrigerator. 

The microwave makes a beeping sound, indicating that the popcorn is ready to be taken out. You took it out and set it on the table and take the Hershey syrup to pour it on to the still hot popcorn. Satisfied with the contain, you grab it and went to your bedroom. 

You: oh and babe, I'll be just in the bed, watching a movie. If you wanna join, there's a sweater for you that I prepared so ciao 

You left him and went straight to your room. He, on the other hand are actually curious to what you've been doing since you went to the room and when you wear a sweater. It's freaking hot weather out there, yet you wore one. He then decides to join you later after he finish writing. 


Almost half an hour, he heard you screaming. You seem to be doing it for some times, he rubbed his temple for having nothing to write on. It's summer and the wished that he could have some fun with you and just hang. Instead, his manager told him to write a song for an upcoming album. 

He then stared at the sweater that you placed on. Tapping his index finger, he then grabbed the sweater and wear it and went to your room. 

To his surprised, the room is so cold that he quickly trying to find a pair of socks in the clothing drawer. As he found it, he quickly put in on and went straight to the bed and join with you under the blanket. 

Rap Monster: *grab some popcorns* this sure is fun

You: *nodded* pass me a drink 

He looks to his left and grabbed a drink for you and gave it to you. Both of you continue watching it until it ends. 

You: *stretch your arms* what to watch next~

Rap Monster: by the way ________ babe, can you switch off the air-cond now? It's so freaking cold!

You: *groan* fine~ *switch it off*

Rap Monster: hehe thanks babe 

Busy looking for some recommended movies to watch, he put aside the bowl and drinks at the coffee table. He went to the bathroom to wash his hands and went back to the bed and tip toeing quickly and just cuddle with the blanket wrapped around him. 

Rap Monster: babe~ come cuddle with me

You: wait a sec. I'm searching for a movie 

Rap Mon took the laptop and put it under the bed. You startled at his action and then he motions you to lay down with him. You giggled and volunteered to do so. He out his arms around your waist and pulls you closer. 

You: oppa, are we gonna stay here and just cuddle?

Rap Monster: yup, why not?

You: have you finish writing?

Rap Monster: *shake his head* can't find an inspiration to do so

You: I thought you already wear that lucky fake glasses of yours

Rap Monster: well I just wanted to look cool while writing it hehe 

You rolled your eyes, knowing that it's all fake. 

Rap Monster: I got nothing on my head except thinking what you've been doing here and it is much more fun than sitting at the living room and doing nothing. 

You: well we could just hang out later on if you want to

Rap Monster: mm.. I like that 

After several minutes, both of you are drowning in your sleep and cuddles with each other until night. 


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