Your Insecurities

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Jin – Your insecurity is your weight. You always checking your weight whether it is gaining or not at the weight scale. You would control your eating and even skipped your meals. Jin feel so upset that you didn't eat properly and always tell you that he loves you no matter what and always cooked you appetizing meals for you to not missed. 

Jimin – Your insecurity is that you have trust issue. You would always be being quiet and act normal to Jimin even though you're feeling dying inside. You can't open up to him because of your past and that makes Jimin sad because he felt that you didn't trust him. He wanted to know what's going on in your mind and you to be happy and be open to him. 

V – You're insecure about your eyes because they're big and round. People would always call you "Owl Eyes" and even said that you're like a ghost. You would always wear glasses or Ray bans to cover your eyes. You don't want your eyes to be stared at or they'll call you anything like ping pong eyes or something. Little did you know that to V, your eyes are the most captivating to him. It attracts him and he will get down on his knees just to see your beautiful eyes. He would kiss your eyelids to make sure that your eyes are the one that makes him fall in love with you. 

J-Hope – Your skin. You feel your skins not smooth like a model and you have different skin tone on your shoulder from the sunlight than your other skin. You wouldn't want to wear anything revealing to the public because you would think that everyone would judge you and you wouldn't want that. J-Hope didn't like it when you feel like that about your skin. To him, what matter is what's inside yourself/skin, not for your skin. 

Rap Monster – Freckles. Freckles on your nose, under your eyes, on your arms, your back, everything. You felt that freckles are like scars that won't be vanished unless you put on some make up over it. You don't want people to look at it because it'll distract them. Rap Mon would caress your cheek and kiss your freckles because to him, your freckles are very cute and he fall for them when you scrunched up your nose if you think of something funny. He would tell you not to cover them up because you're beautiful. 

Suga – you like to sing. He heard you sing when you're in the kitchen, bathroom, living room and he know that you have a great voice but one thing you're lack of. Confidence. Yes, confidence. You felt that you don't have a great one but to him, you could even debut in such a short time. Suga wanted you to get out of your own shadow and sing with all your heart. He will help you to get through it. And once it does, he also wanted you to try hosting or even modelling! 

Jungkook – Your height. You always got picked on due to your shortness. You tried to ignore them but the bullies that you receive got a little too much. With that, you would always wear high heels. Being pros, you feel awesome and your insecurity is decrease. The cons, your feet hurt and you'd fall often and even a laughing stocks to some people. Jungkook on the other hand, he didn't really care much about your appearance nor your height. To him, your height is perfect. How you fitted perfectly in his arms and he loves how cuddly you are to him. What matter is that you're you. 


Hey rainbows! I'm making this one instead of one shot because I have my exams this month (26 Oct until 1 Nov. Sobs) and to celebrate BTS's comeback! *clapclapclapclapclapclapclap*



Okay enough with the caps lock

Gah. Kim Taehyung.. Why..


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He is back with the blonde hair and his voice is soooo.. *fainted* and I'm lost for words at how he's adorable and sexy and hot at the same time. I'm also astonished when I saw his back has a scars and it seems like his wings are cut (?) and his amazing blue eyes... *heart eyes*

I was shocked at each one of them. Really. And Rap Mon (daddy) is getting hot with his short hair. I like their dancing, their vocals are *sigh* jinjja daeeeebak. And their views are 3, 000, 000 + on Youtube! I'm so amazed and they just uploaded it yesterday. The power of BTS <33333 I still want it moremoremoremoremoremoreomoreeeeeeee

Okay. who's more surprised at what Jin did at the music video? I bet some of you guys wished that you're that statue huh~ *winkwink *smirking *winkwink 

I don't think so I will buy their album because no money, no talk. Heung *sobs* how about you guys?

I'm gonna listen to them again while doing some revision. Wait for the next update, yeah? Love you guys. ;) 

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