Exam Mode

290 7 16


You have a white towel wrapped around your forehead and you have your eyes on your summary notes infront of you. The exams are tomorrow and you can't help but feel nervous and anxious about it. The first paper is not an easy one too. 

Your lips have been muttering a lot and you try to memorize the key points, but the more you talk, it feels like it went inside your right ear and went through to your left and it does not stay in your brain. You then slumped your head on the table, feeling restless and tired. 

Decided to take a break, you went out of your room and go to the kitchen to replenish your thirst. Taking some of cold water down to your throat, you pulled out your phone which is in silent mode from your short's pocket and saw a message, from your boyfriend, Jin. 

Babe, tomorrow's the starting of your exam. I know you're pretty busy hitting your books but try not to stress yourself out too much. You got this! <3 

With such simple encouragement text from him could boost up your energy and will do your best to score.

Rap Monster 

You have an exam in less than 2 hours and you can't help but to feel nervous. You can't sit down properly as your one foot keep on tapping the floor lightly. You clasped both of your hands and silently praying that the questions will be easy for you to answer as you already revise for that subject for the nth time. 

Someone tapped on your shoulder, which makes you jumped a little from that little gesture. You turn around to face your boyfriend, who has a smile on his face.

Rap Monster: nervous?

You: what do you think? *glare*

Rap Monster: *chuckles* sorry

You then look infront, ignoring his present as your thoughts went wondering about that upcoming exam papers. Hoping it will be as easy as how I remember, you thought. Rapmon wrap his arm around your shoulder, trying to ease you up.

Rap Monster: ______, you'll do great later. Don't worry much. I thought you're good in this subject

You: yes but I just can't help it cause I'm afraid I might forget all the notes that I'm revising *sigh*

Rap Monster: You can't have any negativity before you even look at the paper. You'll score this paper!

You: easy for you to say. You're damn smart Namjoon

Rap Monster: have some faith ______. I believe in you and you'll be fine *kiss your cheek* when all of these over, we'll de-stressed ourselves, okay? *smile* 

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