Chapter 63

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They emerged back in the lab and Zeke was surprised to see Sadie and Sarah sitting in lawn chairs talking to each other. Whatever they were discussing seemed to be quite humorous as they were laughing pretty hard.

"Hey ladies," Max said. "We're back."

"What are you doing here, Sadie?" Zeke asked. "I thought you were back at the Starswan hanging out with what's his name."

Sarah and Sadie turned and looked at Zeke and both of them burst out laughing again.

"Uh, what's so funny?" Zeke asked.

"Nothing," Sadie said wiping tears from her eyes. "Everyone got so involved working on fixing the spaceship and there wasn't really anything for me to do. Trey told me to head on back here and relax. I just met your friend Sarah. I've got to say I love her."

"Sadie was telling me all about your adventures in space," Sarah said. "She's a real crackup."

"What sort of things was she telling you?" Zeke felt his face turning red in spite of himself.

"Oh you know," Sarah said. "Just a few amusing anecdotes. Say, who's that little green guy you brought back with you?"

"I am Captain Moogreet of the Hooblerians. Did I hear you say something about fixing a spaceship?"

"Oh yeah," Sadie said. "Your buddy Nulfar is helping out. It's in this field not too far from here."

"I should like to assist in this task," Captain Moogreet said. "Where can I find it?"

She gave him directions and he turned around and hurried out the door.

"So did you guys find your little man cave universe you were looking for?" Sarah asked.

"That would be a decided no," Max said. "But I did manage to recover my flask."

"You saw the Warlord?" Sarah asked.

"I did indeed," Max said. "I stared him straight in the eyes and took it right out of his hands. He knew better than to mess with me."

"We also saw that Zyvax the Intergalactic Destroyer of Worlds guy," Zeke said. "Scary dude."

"He didn't seem all that tough to me," Max said. "If we'd had a little more time I would have stuck around and given him a little taste of my ninjitsu skills."

"The door's still in position," Sarah said. "You could always go back there and teach him a lesson."

"No, that won't be necessary," Max said. "I gave him the stare down. He got the message. Besides, there's no time for that nonsense. We need to lounge a little more in lawn chairs before people start showing up for the bachelor party." He dug around in a pile of junk and fished out a couple more lawn chairs. He and Zeke each sat down in one.

"Bachelor party?" Sadie asked.

"Our friend Bobby's getting married," Sarah said. "Maurice is really looking forward to going."

Maurice let out a loud snore over in the corner where he still slept.

"I'll bet," Max said. "Maurice strikes me as the real party animal type."

"Is your husband going, Zeke?" Sadie asked.

"Husband?" Sarah said. "What are you talking about?"

"Zeke's married to an alien hive mind," Sadie said.

"What?" Sarah said.

"Technically, that's true," Zeke said. "But to be fair, it was kind of an inadvertent marriage. And yes, Milosh is going. Both Miloshes are."

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