S e v e n t e e n ~ "A l l e r g y"

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My mom forced me to go to the doctors. She insists that I have a mental disease. They did a whole bunch of tests on me. I never felt more hopeless. I never hated myself this much. The doctor prescribed me some anxiety meds. My mom tried to get him to give me more because she was so set on me being mentally ill. I sat on my bed with the bottle of pills in my hand. I threw them across the room. I didn't need them. I could handle it myself. I shook off everything that happened in the last couple days. I needed to go to practice. I changed and drove there. After practice, coach had food for us. I grabbed a cookie and sat on the bench with Candace. Halfway through our conversation, my throat felt itchy. I walked over to the table that had the cookies on it. There were nuts on it.

"Coach!" I said through a gasp. She ran over to me. I fell to the ground as I tried to catch my breath.

"Get her EPIpen!" Coach yelled. After a minute, the pen stabbed me in my thigh. I was able to breath soon after.

"You need to go to the hospital?" Courtney asked. I shook my head. "The EPIpen doesn't last that long. Go to the hospital!"

"I need my inhaler." I said through shallow breaths. She nodded. A few seconds later, I had it in hand.

"Stay away from cookies." she said. I smiled after taking a breath from my inhaler. "Go home, you're sitting the game out. I don't think you'll be okay."

"I'll go home, but I can play! Please don't take me out of the game!" I pleaded. "Please!"

"Okay, you're a game time decision. If you're not under my standards, you're not playing."

I nodded. I went home to rest. Blake was sitting on the steps when I got there. I let him in. We sat on the floor of my kitchen.

"You look a little blotchy, are you okay?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, I had an allergic reaction at practice when coach set up a table of food for us. I didn't look carefully." I explained.

"You playing tonight?"

"If I'm up to Courtney's standards." There was a long silence. "I don't know if I told you this, but thank you for being there for me."

"I care about you. I'd have it no other way."

I looked up at him. Did he just say he cared about me?

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." he said.

Maybe I was just hearing things. I shook it off. Bandit ran out from the bedroom and trotted down the hallway over to me. I could hear him because he can't be quiet even if he wants to. He sniffed me and then licked my face.

"Ew!" I said with a laugh. Bandit stopped for a second before tackling me with slobber. I fell back as he continued to lick my face. There was no use in trying to push him off, he would just come back. He finally got off of me. I sat up to find Blake laughing at me.

"It's not funny!" I said. "This happens every time I have an allergic reaction or an asthma attack."

"So do you have to carry an inhaler with you everywhere you go?" he asked. I nodded.

"And an EPIpen." I added. He nodded.

"Well, I'll see your wheezing ass at the game short stack." I glared at him. "I gotta go. Family is in town."

"Okay." We both got up. I walked him to the mudroom area. He opened his arms. I blushed as I hugged him. His arms fit tightly and perfectly around me. I didn't want him to let go. Sadly, he had to. I watched as he went to his house. When he went inside, I went to my bathroom to cover up all the blotches. If they're gone, Courtney will let me play. I also have to show her that my breathing will be fine.


Hai! I hope you enjoy this chapter even though I personally think its shit. Thank y'all so much for the reads and votes, love ya! Also, I'm posting two chapters today coz I wrote two chapters. xx 

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