Character Asks?

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Hello. Sorry, this isn't an update. I'm still working on the next chapter. I can tell you right now that its going to be super long. Its almost finished, I hope.

Anyways, so, I've been reading other stories on here, and a lot of them do character asks, or character q+a's. I was wondering if y'all would want to do something like that. If I get any feedback on this, and it turns out you do want to do it, I will post a section on the next chapter in an author's note for y'all to ask questions, then they'll be answered as soon as possible. I thought it would be a great idea, but y'all can decide. 

In this character ask, you, the reader, will be able to ask either me, the author, or the characters of the book any questions you desire or want to know. You can also make any suggestions for either me or the characters to do. The characters that will be receiving questions will only be frequent, or important characters. For example, Ally's little brother, Tyriek, and little sister, Aliah, will not be available for questions because, 1) they're too young, and, 2) they're not frequent enough in the book. Where as, Taylor Griffin will be available for questions because he makes frequent appearances throughout the book. Any questions or comments will be allowed. It doesn't matter if they're nice or mean. I'll take them. I'll put the characters that will be available for questions if this happens down below at the end of the author's note. 

Give me some feedback and I'll let you guys know when I'll be doing it if it happens.

Also, some of y'all are going to hate me in the next chapter. There's a lot of shit that happens. Its sad. But, bear with me coz everything gets better. I promise.

Anyways, please give me feedback on the character ask. Please vote and comment. I'll take any suggestions anyone has. If there's any grammar errors in any chapters, let me know. I'll try to fix those.

So short aggravating rant for me. My mom's birthday was last week. She took a trip, without me. She left me home alone with no way to even contact her if something was wrong because our house phone doesn't work and my phone was broken at the same time. I said happy birthday when she got home, but she's still holding it against me that I didn't say it to her. Um, hello? I did say it. If you didn't leave me stranded in a humid house while you got your god damn tan on, I would've said it sooner.

I hope y'all are having a wonderful summer so far, and I hope y'all are enjoying yourselves while staying safe. Remember, vote and comment. I'll love you forever if you do. I promise. And don't forget to give me feedback on the character ask. That will also make me love you forever. I promise.


Hydie Linn

The characters that you'll be able to ask questions to are:

Blake Griffin

Ally O'Neal

Gail Griffin (Blake's mom)

Tommy Griffin (Blake's dad)

Taylor Griffin

Marieka Griffin

Kylie O'Neal

Joanne O'Neal (Ally's mom)

Hugh O'Neal (Ally's dad)

DeAndre Jordan

Skylar Diggins

Nneka Ogwumke

Chris Paul

Author (Me:))

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