F o r t y o n e ~ "D o n t m i n d a t a l l"

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There is smut in this chapter. Stars (*) indicate where it starts and ends, so feel free to skip it. Its only a small portion of this chapter and it sucks balls.


I thought All-Star Weekend would be fun and all, but I just want to go home and sleep. I may have over reacted earlier, I will admit that, but how the hell am I supposed to act. I just have to believe Skylar that it's nothing to worry about and not let it affect me during the celebrity game.

I sat on the floor by the USA bench as Skylar braided my hair. I would do it myself, but I'm way too damn lazy. When she finished, I put on her Nike headband and began to stretch.

I know Sky told me not to worry, but the game starts in twenty minutes and Blake should have been here by now. He promised he wouldn't miss it. Even his brother and sister in-law are here.

"Don't worry Ally, he'll be here." Skylar told me. I sighed and nodded. She smirked as she looked behind me. Before I could even turn around, a bouquet of black roses was placed in front of me as an arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled as I took the roses and turned around.

"I kind of wanted everything to be a surprise tonight," Blake said, pulling me closer. "But, I guess that ship sailed. I wanted to have a date with you tonight after the game."

"I'd love that!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love the flowers." I whispered.

Blake's arms wrapped tighter around me. I didn't think he could pull me any closer, but he managed to do so. I wish we could stay like this forever, but sadly there's a game that needs to be played and I need to kick Canada's ass.

The game was close all the way through. Each team took turns leading. There was a lot of ties throughout the game also. One Canadian model was getting quite competitive with me and Skylar, but we quickly showed her how the pros do it. Kevin Hart decided to put himself in the game when the US started to go down in the game thinking he could get us out of the ditch we were in. He only made it worse. He technically couldn't do that since he was the coach and he wasn't on the active roster.

All in all, Canada won and I was mad. I know it's just a fun game, but I hate losing either way. Try growing up in a family that plays competitive sports and not get mad at a loss.

For the date night, Blake took me back to the hotel room. I was really glad he didn't take me somewhere fancy. The perfect date to me is a nice meal at home, or take out, and some movies to watch cuddled up in bed or on the couch.

"So, I know fancy isn't your style," Blake said, opening the room door. "So, I ordered your favorite Chinese meal and some movies to watch."

This kid is legit perfect!

"I was honestly just thinking that that would be the perfect date." I giggled.

I took off the heels I wore to the arena as soon as I entered the room. My least favorite part of this is dressing up. Sweatpants and a t-shirt are my best friend. Speaking of those, I changed into them also as Blake set up the first movie.

"I hope you don't mind, but I got Disney movies because they're my favorite." Blake called over his shoulder. I turned around to find him shirtless and trying to work the DVD player.

"I don't mind at all." I said, taking a seat at the end of the bed.

As soon as Blake got the first movie start, we laid down and watched it. My head was on his chest as his arm was wrapped securely around me. A tray of food, that we almost mocked over on multiple occasions, was on Blake's lap. This is the perfect night to me. Just us, no interruptions, Chinese food, and Disney movies.

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