T h i r t y ~ "D r u n k"

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Please read the author's note at the end, there's a couple of announcements.


Clank! I set down an empty bottle of beer. It was the fourth one I've had. I looked at the time. It was three in the morning. I wiped the tears from my cheeks. What was I so afraid of? I grabbed another beer. I opened it. I couldn't get myself to take a sip. I grabbed a sweatshirt and headed outside. I ran through the rain to Blake's house. I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I knocked louder this time. I heard footsteps down the stairs and over to the door. Blake answered the door. He was shirtless. I stared at his abs.

"You're drunk, aren't you?" he asked. I looked up at him. Well, the three of him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. He walked me to the kitchen. He opened a water bottle and handed it to me. He opened a bottle of beer and began drinking it.

"Drink the water!" he demanded. I took a sip. He watched me as he took long consecutive sips of his beer. I was starting to only see one of him. I didn't think drinking water would work. It doesn't help sober someone up.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you and your friends." I said. Blake nodded his head.

"I know. You don't have to apologize to me." he said. "You do have to apologize to DJ, Amber, Chris, and Jada."

I nodded my head.

"Can we go to bed?" I asked. He nodded. I opened my arms up. He walked over to me and picked me up. He walked up the stairs and to his bedroom. He set me down on the bed. He went to walk to the other side of the bed, but I pulled him back down and kissed him. 


Sorry for the short chapter. I'm tired and I haven't slept in like a week. 

During the winter, I get sick a lot and now is around the time where I'm mostly sick all the time. Its tough, but I'm trying. I hope you guys like this chapter. If not, I'm sorry.

I'd just like to thank you all for reading this book. I know I'm crappy and I have a bad personality and I'm not really good at the whole being a normal human being thing, but thank you for continuing to deal with my annoying lame ass as I continue to write this book.

I will warn you that some time in the near future, there will be smut in this book. I'll label it on the name of the chapter and in the beginning of said chapter for those of you who don't want to read smut. I'll also put stars (*) where the smut will begin and end so you can just skip that part of the chapter. 

I don't know where in the hell I'm going with this book, but I'm going somewhere. I've had so many plans as to what I want the outcome to be, but I'm always changing my mind. We shall see where this goes and if its good.

Also, I've been plotting for a new Blake fic. Idk what to do tho. I was thinking of the girl being in a band and they meet at one of her shows, but I feel like that's bad. Any suggestions? 

If I did make that fic, would you read it?

Another thing, THE CLIPS ARE ON A SEVEN GAME WIN STREAK!!! Idk if anyone else is happy about that, but I am lol. Also, they're doing good without Blake, but I want him back.

Story time: So I was hanging out with some friends from the old town I used to live in the other day. Two of them cornered me so I got on my love seat, which is in the corner where the wall meets the staircase. I thought I was all clear to jump on the ground, but I wasn't. I jumped into the wall. Now my knee is bruised and swollen. But, I managed to get two home runs and on a base during gym class while being less than 50% with the swollen knee and I am proud of that.

Moral of the story: Don't be like Hydie Linn, she's stupid.

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