T w e n t y e i g h t ~ "T h r e e i n t h e a f t e r n o o n"

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I sat up and stretched my arms. I loved not waking up to an alarm clock. I patted the side of the bed. Blake wasn't there. Did he even come home last night? I didn't hear him come in. Chaney looked up at me from the foot of the bed. I rolled my eyes. I guess I would have to take him out. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. There was no sign of Blake. The blanket that normally hangs over the back of the couch was now tossed on the couch. It must've fell when we got up last night. I opened the slider door and let Chaney out. I followed him down the steps and into the back yard. Blake was playing catch with DJ, JJ, Austin, and Chris. Their wives and girlfriends were sitting on the grass watching them. Blake nodded his head towards me when he saw me. I smiled and sat down next to Jada.

"How was your sleep?" Jada asked.

"Fine. What time is it?" I asked.

"3 in the afternoon." I began choking. Jada chuckled and patted my back. I shook her hand off of me. I got up and ran towards Blake. I jumped in his arms and made him miss the catch. I let go of him and fell to the ground. I looked up at him with a smirk on my face. He held his hand out for me. I grabbed it and he pulled me to my feet.

"Was that necessary?" he asked.

"Yup!" I said with a loud pop on the p. "I'm gonna go home and get changed. I have to meet with my sister at 4."

Blake kissed my cheek. Both of my cheeks immediately turned bright red. I turned around with my head down. I began walking to my house.

"Ally!" Blake called after me. I turned around. He held what looked like my keys in the air with a smirk on his face. "It'll be hard to get into your house without keys." He paused. "Oh, I also have both your spare keys."

"Blake! This isn't funny!" I yelled. "Give me my keys!"

His smirk got bigger. He shook them before throwing them behind him. They landed in the pool. I let out a scream.

"You do realize you're the one who's jumping in that pool to get them!" I yelled. Blake's smirk disappeared. I smirked. I pointed towards the pool. He looked at the pool, then back at me. I continued to point in the direction of the pool. He shook his head. I walked towards him and pushed him towards the pool. When we were at the edge, I pushed him in. He grabbed my arm and pulled me in with him.

"Blake!" I screamed out when I got to the surface. He was at the bottom of the pool getting my keys. He swam up to the surface and held them in the air. I went to grab them, but he pulled them away.

"I have to go!" I yelled.

"No you don't." Blake said.

"Whatever, I'll pick the lock." I said. I climbed out of the pool. Blake followed me all the way to my house. I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair and pulled it apart. I put the two ends in the keyhole and moved them around. I heard the lock shift. I opened the door. I turned around to see Blake shocked at what I just did.

"Do you really have to go?" he asked in a whining voice as he handed me my keys. I pressed the automatic unlock button to see if it still worked. It didn't. I took it off of my key chain and handed it to Blake.

"I do now, and you have to replace that by the time I get back!" I said. "Should've thought twice about throwing my keys in the pool and pulling me in with you."


I'm baking cookies for a New Years party I'm going to tomorrow, so I decided to update for you guys while I wait.

I hope you enjoy:) xx

Quick Tip: don't grab a pan that just came out of the over with your bare hand


Hydie Linn

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