T w e n t y n i n e ~ "A p o l o g i z e"

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My sister and I just got back from the adoption agency. She's having a closed adoption. She doesn't want anything to do with the baby. I made her hot chocolate with large marshmallows. Its the way she always likes it. I set the mug down on the coffee table and sat next to her.

"How ya doin'?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. She picked up the mug and took a small sip. A knock came at the door. I got up to answer it. When I was at the top of the stairs, the door opened. It was Blake. He waved both of my spare keys in the air along with the keychain remote for my car.

"I got it fixed for ya." he said. He jogged up the steps and kissed my forehead. I grabbed the remote and keys out of his hand. He waved at Kylie before taking the spot I was sitting in.

"You're sitting in my spot." I said. He ignored me. I sat on his lap. Kylie set the mug down after taking one more sip. She got up. I laughed at the way she did it. She rolled her eyes at me. She waddled down the hallway. I guess she went to the bathroom. I slid off of Blake's lap. He kissed my nose, then my lips.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"Good, how was yours?" I asked. He smiled.

"It would've been better with you." I smiled. I could feel my cheeks turning red. Blake pulled my head down and kissed the top of it. Kylie walked out. She grabbed her stuff without saying a word. I got up. I watched her as she left.

"What was that about?" Blake asked.

"I don't know. She hasn't really said much the whole day." I explained. "She didn't even talk at the adoption agency."

Blake pulled me down to the couch. He got up and put a movie in. He turned the lights off before sitting next to me. A knock came at the back slider door. It was DJ, Amber, Chris, and Jada. Blake told them to come in. They all sat next to us on the couch. Blake grabbed the blanket that was hanging over the back of the couch and he wrapped it around us. He wrapped his arms around my stomach. I don't even think he was paying attention to the movie. He began kissing my neck. His hands moved down my stomach to my thighs. They moved in between my thighs. I shifted my position. He continued to kiss my neck. He hit my sweet spot and I let out a soft moan. I elbowed him in the stomach. He removed his hands and stopped kissing my neck.

"I'm gonna go to bed. You guys can leave whenever." I said softly. I got up and walked to my bedroom. Blake followed me. He closed the door behind him. I slid up on my bed. Blake stood in front of me.

"Sorry." he said.

"Why do you always apologize?" I asked. "I get it! You're sorry. You don't have to tell me every single time you do something I'm uncomfortable with. I should be the one who's sorry. Ya know, I'm sorry for being the way I am. I wish I could give you what you want, but I can't!"

Blake stood there silently. I got up and walked towards my bathroom. I grabbed the towel and robe that was hanging on the door before opening it. I turned around to see Blake. He hadn't moved.

"I want your friends out of my house by the time I get out of the shower!" I demanded. I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I turned the water on as hot as it could go. I watched as the steam filled the bathroom. I got undressed and took my shower. I was in there for about an hour. When I got out, all I wanted to do was get drunk. I wanted to forget everything for a while. I put on a pair of light gray sweatpants that were five times my size and a Los Angeles Sparks t-shirt that's also five times my size. I walked out to the living room. My jaw dropped when I saw that Blake's friends were still here.

"Blake!" I screamed. He looked at me. "Did you think I was kidding? Everybody get out of my house before I make you leave!"

Everybody got up including Blake. They all went downstairs and out the door. I put my hand on Blake's chest to stop him. I pulled his head down and kissed him before letting him leave.


Sucky, but oh whale. I'm tired and I don't want to go to school tomorrow. 

I hope you guys had a wonderful New Years. I wish you all the best throughout 2016.

Story time: My best friend made me stay up late with him and a few of our other friends on New Year's Eve to wait for midnight. I was falling asleep on him and almost asleep by the time it turned midnight. He pulled me up and kissed me without any warning because he wanted a New Year's kiss. It was the highlight of my night.

Also, my mom was pissed because I stayed out until two in the morning and I was a little drunk. I almost got my ass beat.

Don't be like me kids. I'm a bad role model. 


Hydie Linn

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