T w e n t y s i x ~ "S c a r e d"

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I ran and jumped in his arms. I could barely stand two weeks away from him. How am I going to last five to six weeks without him? I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He grabbed his bag and carried me to his car.

"Why do you always carry her like a toddler?" Austin asked as he set his stuff on top of his car. Blake let out a small laugh.

"Because she likes it and is small enough for me to do it." he replied. "You'd do the same for your girl."

Austin nodded his head. Blake put his stuff in the backseat. He put me in the front seat and buckled me in. He got in on the driver's side. Halfway through the ride, he placed his hand on my thigh. He traced his thumb along the inside of my thigh. I shifted in my seat. Blake's hand moved up my thigh as he turned on to our street. I quickly grabbed his hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Blake pulled his hand away.

"Sorry."' He said. He pulled into his driveway. He turned the car off. "Ally, will you please tell me why you won't let me touch you unless its some form of a hug?"

"I don't even know why anymore." I said. "Before, it was because I didn't want to disappoint anybody, but that's all I seem to do anymore."

I began to cry as I thought about the conversation I had with my sister at the restaurant. I didn't know what I was holding back anymore. I wish I could tell him. Maybe telling him about my past would help me take down the block.

"Let's go inside. I need to talk to you." I said. We both got out of the car and went inside. I sat down on the couch as Blake poured us each a glass of wine. He set the glasses down on the coffee table. I picked mine up and took a big gulp. He lifted my legs, sat down, and set them back down.

"So, the other night I had a talk with my sister. I told her something I've never told anybody." I explained. "My parents never wanted me. They had to be talked out of aborting me and they had to be talked out of putting me up for adoption. My whole life I have been told that I was never good enough. I was told that I was just a burden on everybody's shoulders. I was told that I was just a nobody. And, that was from my family alone. I don't think you would want to know what other people said about me." I laughed to ease the moment. "I made it my goal to make my parents love me, to make them be proud of me, but no matter what I do, I always fail. All my life, I have never known what it felt like to be loved. I'm to scared to open myself up due to the fear of being rejected. I've been rejected more times than I can count. Ya know, before I met you, I gave up on everything."

I didn't notice that my eyes were watery. The tears finally fell. Blake caught them as they fell just like Kylie did.

"So, you're scared that I'll be like everybody else?" he asked. I didn't know how to answer that. I didn't know what I was scared of. I didn't know if it was because I was scared. Blake picked me up bridal style and carried me up to the bedroom. He layed me down on the bed. He gently kissed my forehead.

"I'll be back in a while." he said.


Again, thank you for 3k reads!! It means so much to me. 

Also, expect more updates today because, like I said in the last chapter, I am sick and can't leave the house. 

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. 


Hydie Linn

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