T w e n t y f o u r ~ "L e a v i n g"

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I jumped on Blake's back. I held on tight as he walked towards the water. I wrapped my arms around one of his arms as he went to catch the ball that DJ threw at us with the other. He threw it back at DJ and hit him in the balls. I began laughing, but at the same time I wanted to be mad at Blake.
"Did you have to hit him in the balls?" I asked through giggles.
"Yup! Blake said with a pop on the p. I rolled my eyes. DJ threw the ball back at us. This time, Blake missed the catch and the ball hit me. Blake set me down and kissed my head where the ball hit me.
"DJ, I'm gonna kill you!" Blake yelled. I grabbed his arm and held him back. He tried to get out of my grip, but I grabbed him by his waist and pulled him back.
"Blake, it's fine! I'm fine!" I yelled over his grunting from him trying to get out of my grip. We both fell to the ground. I swung my leg over him so that I was straddling him. He frowned. Laughing, DJ walked over to us. Blake wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up as he stood up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and I rested my head on his shoulder. DJ picked Amber up the same way. They both began walking towards the water. Blake kisses my ear. I lifted my head and puckered my lips. He kissed me gently. I ran my hand through his short curls. Blake broke the kiss. I rested my forehead on his.
"What if people are taking pictures of us?" he asked. I smirked.
"Let them!" I said. He smirked. I kissed him again. His hands went up my thighs and close to my butt. I broke the kiss and glared at him. He slid his hands back to where they were. I jumped down from him and pushed his arms off of me.
"Ally!" he called out. I ignored him. "Allyson!" I ignored him again. I began walking back towards the group. He ran over to me and grabbed my arm to turn me around. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
I rolled my eyes. He grabbed my hand and entwined his fingers with mine. I glared at him until somebody threw a water balloon at us. It hit me in the head. I bit my tongue and turned around. My brother stood there with his mouth open wide. His expression was turning into a smirk. His teammate and best friend, Christian, threw me a water balloon. I carefully caught it so that it wouldn't pop. I smirked at Tyler. He turned around to run. I threw the balloon at him and hit him in the head just like he did to me. Blake began laughing. He picked up our stuff and pulled me towards the parking lot. His teammates followed.
"Bye Tyler!" I yelled while laughing. Blake let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. The ride home was silent. I sat on his bed as I watched him pack. I didn't want him to leave. We didn't have much time to spend before I leave for Spain. He threw his clothes in his suitcase without folding them. I slid over next to his suitcase. I began folding the clothes for him.
"Can you visit at least one of the places we're going to on the road trip?" Blake begged. I finished folding up his clothes. I closed the suitcase and put it on the floor. Blake sat where the suitcase was. He fell backwards.
"I'll try, but I don't know if I can." I said. He sighed.
"What are doing tonight?" he asked.
"I don't know. Probably going out to eat with Tyler. He has another game against UCLA tomorrow. I'm going to that with Kylie."
"How she doing?" I rested my head on his stomach. He began playing with my hair.
"She's doing good. The baby's healthy. She's due while I'm away. I won't be here for the birth."
I sat up. Blake sat up along with me. He grabbed his suitcases and led the way down the stairs. His parents were waiting for him down there. He walked me outside and over to my house. He kissed my forehead.
"Be good." he said. I smirked.
"I'll try." I said. He chuckled. He bent down to kiss me. I moved my head off to the side. He let out a sigh.
"Ally, don't do this. I have to go." he said. I turned my head back to him. He went to kiss me again. I moved my head back to the side. Blake sighed again. He grabbed my face and turned it back towards his. He kissed me.
"Why do you do this?" he asked.
"Because I don't want you to go." He smiled. I kissed him softly on the lips. He kissed my forehead before going back to his house to get his stuff in the car. I walked inside my house. I didn't want to watch him leave.
Happy holidays xx
I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great Christmas if you celebrate it.
Hydie Linn

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