T h i r t y n i n e ~ "F i f t y b u c k s"

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Skylar and I entered the arena through the loading docks. On our way to the arena, we made a bet. Whoever's team wins gets fifty bucks. Security led us to the tunnel. We took our front row seats across from the clippers bench. The teams were on the court for pregame warmups. Blake's family sat next to us. I didn't know all of them were coming to the game.

"Hey KD, love the kicks!" Skylar yelled. We both laughed. I looked at Skylar's shoes, then at Kevin Durant's. They were both wearing KD's sneakers. KD made his way over to us. He gave us each daps. Blake and DJ ran over to us. Blake was all sweaty. He gave me a hug anyways. I let out a small cry.

"Hey, I got somethin' for you. Come over to the bench with me." Blake said. I shook my head.

"I'm in heels, my feet hurt, Skylar didn't let me change, you can go over there, get it, and bring it over here." I said. Blake laughed. He ran back towards the bench. "Thank you!"

Blake came back with something red in his hand. I shook my head. No way in hell am I wearing a Clippers t-shirt unless it is to bed! It's too colorful. I don't even wear red, white, and blue on independence day. What makes him think I'm gonna wear it now.

"I'm not wearing that." I said. He begged with his eyes. "No!" He continued to beg with his eyes. "Unless it is black, I'm not wearing it!"

"You're wearing a red bra though." Skylar stated. I punched her arm. She grabbed her arm and looked at the floor as she pouted. Blake pulled me up. He had DJ hold me as he put the t-shirt over my dress. I fell to the floor after they were done.

"I hate you!" I said through clenched teeth.

"No you don't!" Blake said before he went back to his team.

The game begun shortly after. The Clippers got a 13-0 lead before OKC scored. They kept the 10 plus lead throughout the first quarter. Blake ran over to me and kissed my cheek before the second quarter inbound. My cheeks turned bright red because the cameras were focussed on us and then on me after the kiss. The second quarter went smoothly. They continued to increase the lead. This was the highest scoring first half of the season for any team in the NBA. Skylar and I went to get a drink at half time.

"You do realize OKC can snap out of this, right?" Skylar asked as she handed me a drink.

"Yeah, but they're not going to." I said. "Plus, you're not getting the money tonight if you win, I got no cash on me. So, either way, it sucks to be you!"

She licked the inside of her lip. I smirked as I went to take a sip. I handed Skylar my drink and took the t-shirt off that Blake forced me to wear. Skylar laughed. I took my drink back. We turned around to see Ashley Varner running towards us with her boyfriend slowly trailing behind her. I ducked and moved out of the way. She only hugged Skylar.

"What are you two shugs doing here?" Ashley asked. She can be stupid sometimes, but we love her anyways.

"Well, I love OKC and Ally's boyfriend is on the Clippers." Skylar explained. "I'm so glad you're here. We made a bet and if OKC loses I owe Ally fifty bucks. You need to help me cheer on our guys."

I smirked as I began walking back towards the court. There is no way I am going to lose. I don't lose. Well, I do, but not bets anyway. I definitely don't lose bets. She's losing her sanity if she thinks she's going to win.

"Hey, shug!" Skylar called after me. I turned my head over my shoulder. "Let's get some food! I'm starving!"

We got our food and headed back to our seats. Half time was soon over. Clippers kept the lead up in the third quarter. In the fourth, OKC started getting their game back. Inside, I was freaking out, but outside, I kept it cool. The game ended up going into overtime. It was the last 20 seconds of the overtime period. The Clippers had the ball. The game was tied at 110. Chris exchanged glances with Blake and DJ. He threw the ball up as time ran down. Blake caught it. He threw it to DJ. DJ threw it back to Blake and he slammed it down. 3 seconds remained. OKC took a half court shot, but they missed the basket. I jumped up from my seat and screamed in Skylar's face.

"I win you loser! Give me my money!" I screamed. She let out a deep breath and threw a fifty dollar bill in my face. I picked it up and put it in my bra. I ran over to Blake. He picked me up.

"Great job!" I said. He kissed me gently on the lips. He set me down and wrapped his arm around me as we made our way back towards his family. Skylar was pouting because she lost. I let out a chuckle. She should've thought about things before she made a fifty dollar bet with me. I smirked at her.

"Oh, by the way, half of that fifty is coming to me." Blake said. I stared at him wide eyed and open mouthed. Skylar began laughing. I punched her arm for the second time tonight. She immediately shut up.

"Whatever, I have a plane to catch." I said, rolling my eyes. I kissed Blake on the cheek before walking towards the exit.


Here's the second update for you. Idk when I'll update next. My schedule is going to be getting even more crazy with work and school and testing and trying to get everything all together for college. I wish I could wait until last minute senior year, but, unfortunately, I can't. Can I be a cat for a living? They get to sleep and be lazy and eat all day. That's my kind of life.

Honestly, you guys are so amazing. Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting. Also, thanks for sticking with my shitty ass writing. It means a lot. <3



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