T w e n t f i v e ~ "F i n e"

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Tyler slid into the booth I was sitting in to let Kylie have her own booth. She sat across from me. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. She was already mad at me as it was because of when my trip was scheduled. This dinner could not go any worse, could it?

"How have you been Allyson?" she asked. I knew she was still as pissed at me as she was when I told her I wouldn't be here for the birth.

"Call me Ally!" I demanded. "And, I've been fine. How about you."


"Really? Cause you don't look like it." Tyler hit my leg under the table. I bit my lip to keep myself from saying anything else. Kylie rolled her eyes.

"If you guys don't want me here, why did you invite me?" I asked.

"I don't know, why did we Tyler?" Kylie asked. I scooted Tyler out of the booth. I got up and walked away. Tyler was my ride. I had to wait until dinner was over. I sat on the curb. The chilliest night in LA and I decide to wear a tank top and shorts. I rubbed my arms to try to get warm.

"Want my jacket?" Kylie said as she sat down next to me. I grabbed her arm to help her down slowly.

"No!" I said under my breath. She didn't listen to me. She took her jacket off and put it around my shoulders.

"I'm sorry for how I've been acting." I slipped my arms through the sleeves when I saw she had a long sleeve shirt on. "Part of me just hates you because you didn't have to cancel the trip due to being pregnant. We were supposed to be going to Spain and Brazil together and now its just you. I miss doing things as a pair." Kylie took a deep breath. "I don't even know who the father is. What type of person does that make me? Sometimes I wish I was more like you. You always know when to stop yourself or someone when something is starting to get too far. You don't even let Blake touch you too low or else you won't continue doing something. You always cover yourself up just right."

"What is your point?" I asked rather loudly. Kylie flinched.

"My point is I can't take care of this child. I'm putting it up for adoption. Maybe mom and dad could be proud of me for something."

Her words stung me like a bee. I had no idea she felt that way. She went to get up. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back down.

"They're very proud of you. For the women you've grown to be. For what you've accomplished. You've always been the one they've been proud of. Its me who should be in your place saying that shit. I'm the biggest disappointment they've ever had. Did you know that I was a mistake? Did you know that they didn't want to keep me? Grandma talked mom into keeping me. First she had to talk mom out of aborting me and then she had to talk her out of putting me up for adoption. When I was told this, I made a promise that I would do whatever it takes to make them love me, to make them be proud of me, to make them regret even thinking about what they wanted to do with me." Tears fell from my eyes. Kylie pulled me into a hug. She wiped each tear away as they fell. "Each time I try, I fail. Its never enough. Nothing I do is ever enough to make them love me. To be honest, I didn't know what it felt like to be loved until I met Blake. Remember that night that mom and dad told you I was in the hospital because I had a bad case of the flu? That wasn't the reason. I swallowed a whole bunch of pills after basketball practice one night. Tyler found me in the bathroom unconscious on the floor. They had to pump my stomach. The reason why you couldn't go in to see me wasn't because you might catch the flu. It was because mom and dad didn't want you to see me in a coma. They didn't want you to know the truth because they didn't want you to see their big disappointment. The funny thing is, you're the only person I've told this to."


Hey xx

I'd just like to thank you guys for 3k reads. It means so much to me and I'm glad I still have people reading this book and I hope that you guys are enjoying it and you like it. 

I was thinking about doing a second book to this one, but I decided to continue this for now. I also might be too lazy to create a new book so this one might just be a really long book. Soz. I'll let you know either way what I'm doing. 

Also, today I'm sick again and can't really go anywhere, so expect more updates today.


Hydie Linn

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