T h i r t y o n e ~ "C h a r i t y"

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"I thought I buried you and covered the tracks!" I woke up to my ringtone. I answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said in a sleepy voice. I sat up and rested against the headboard of the bed.

"Hey sleepyhead!" the voice of my agent said. I laughed.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"There's a charity basketball game this week. Would you be able to play in it before you go to Spain?"


"Would you want to?"

"Sure." I hung up the phone after getting all the information I needed. I looked next to me. Blake wasn't there. I looked at the time. It was eight in the morning. He was probably at practice. I got up and walked downstairs. I take that back. His whole team was here, including the staff. I walked over to the fridge without making eye contact with anyone and grabbed a water. I turned around. Blake wasn't in the living room with his team and Chaney wasn't anywhere to be seen. I slid open the door and walked out to the back porch. Blake was walking into the back yard with Chaney and Bandit. Bandit ran up the stairs and jumped up on me. I quickly opened my arms and picked him up so I wouldn't fall backwards.

"How the hell are you able to pick up a fucking Rottweiler?" Blake asked. I giggled.

"I may be tiny, but I'm not weak." I said. I put Bandit down. Blake opened the door and let me go inside first. Bandit pushed past me when I got in the doorway. He ran inside and went from person to person. I whistled for him to come. He ignored me. That's something he knew not to do. I whistled again. This time he looked over at me, but he still didn't obey. I whistled again. He finally came over to me. I grabbed his collar and pulled him back outside. I slid inside and closed the door before he could get back in. Blake went to go into the living room, but I pulled him by the arm over to the far end of the kitchen.

"What are all these people doing here?" I asked.

"Coach wanted us to do a little team thing and have practice tonight." he explained.

"So, you guys had to come here while I was sleeping without telling me?" Blake licked his lips. I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to the gym with my shooting coach. I'll see you later."

I walked passed him and grabbed my phone before going to leave. Blake pulled at my arm. When I turned my head, his lips connected with mine.

"I love you." he said when he pulled away.


Hey guys xx

Sorry about another short chapter, but I hope you enjoy this chapter:) 

A friend of mine in the graphic design department at my school is helping me with the new cover. I'll try to change it as soon as possible.

A reminder that a chapter with smut will be coming in the near future, meaning a "sex scene". I will put an author's note at the top of the chapter that has the smut to let you know and I will put stars (*) indicating the beginning and ending of the scene. 

Story time: My knee is no longer swollen, but now my knuckle is. Wtf is wrong with me?


Hydie Linn

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